Every seed sown will go to work immediately – transforming believers’ lives worldwide. See below just a few of the ways your gift supports and enables KCM to carry out its global mission and outreach!

Giving is quick, easy and secure. Simply select from credit card or PushPay below and follow the prompts

If you give to KCM on a regular basis or want to set up recurring giving we recommend using PushPay®.
Enter your debit or credit card details once in PushPay®’s secure site and you’re ready to go.
Please note PushPay® is processed in AUD.
Then, it’s as easy as 1, 2, 3 …
- Open PushPay® on your PC, iPhone, iPad or Android device.
- Search Kenneth Copeland Ministries AU.
- Enter your passcode to approve. Done!
Find more information about WAYS TO GIVE.
If you are a New Zealand Resident please see additional information on WAYS TO GIVE HERE.