Where Is God When You Need Money Quickly?

So often, people find themselves in dire financial situations, and they want a quick way to earn money. They’ve lost their jobs, become delinquent on their mortgages and car payments, and can’t figure out how God can get money to them.
“Well, I’ve prayed about my finances,” they sometimes say. “I’ve asked God for the finances I need, but I haven’t really heard anything. So I’m not sure it’s God’s will for me to have them.”
That’s a sad—and misguided—way to live. Let’s look at three ways you can change the way you approach your money.
#1 Know What God Says About You and Money
Get out your Bible and read scriptures like Psalm 113:7-8. It says God “lifts the poor from the dust and the needy from the garbage dump. He sets them among princes, even the princes of his own people!” Think about that. According to the Bible, God takes His people from the dump to the boardroom!
When you were dead in your sins and trespasses, He raised you up together and made you sit together with Christ Jesus in heavenly places. Talk about being promoted! You’ve already made it to the top!
#2 Listen to What God Says About You and Your Money
Jesus went to the cross so you could get out of the garbage dump. He didn’t want you to have to go around with your hat in your hand looking to humans for a bailout or a handout. No, sir! You are a joint heir with Christ Jesus. You are a child of the living God. You’re supposed to be prosperous.
But to have ears to hear what Jesus is saying to you about how to walk in that prosperity, you have to get your mind out of the garbage dump. You have to quit thinking lack and measuring with a poverty stick. Instead, you have to read, meditate on and proclaim what God’s Word says.
#3 Speak What God Says About Your and Your Money
A Partner with this ministry wrote in to tell us that he had been able to pay off all his debts except what he owed on his farm. He wanted to be completely debt free but the amount seemed overwhelming. He kept meditating on the Word until he finally heard what God was saying to him. He got so thrilled, he ran into the house and said to his wife, “Praise God, we’re going to pay off this farm! God just got through to me. If you can pay off a charge card, you can pay off a farm! If you can pay off a car, you can pay off anything!”
The Lord will talk to you just like He did that farmer. It doesn’t matter what problem you may be facing, He has a plan to solve it. So just inquire of Him and say, “Lord, there is a mountain here in my life. I see in Your Word that I’m supposed to have victory over it. I see in Mark 11:23 that I can speak to it by faith and it will be removed. So I’m asking You to give me wisdom. Show me what You would have me say and what You would have me do. I have ears to hear.”
So often people need a quick answer from God about money, but the root of the issue goes so much deeper. Begin understanding how God views money in relation to His people. Then see how that view applies to you and your situation. God doesn’t want you in the garbage dump. Jesus died to raise you up and He has provided the way for you to be free from debt and financial hardship!