A Confession for Spirit-led Prayer

Your heavenly Father will give you the Holy Ghost if you ask Him. Tell the Lord:
“Because You have declared You freely give me the Holy Spirit if I ask, from this moment on, as far as I am concerned, I am a Spirit-filled believer.” Also speak the following confessions to reinforce God’s desire for you to pray in the spirit.
“I am filled with the Holy Spirit of the Almighty God. When I pray in tongues I am praying in the spirit. The Holy Spirit is my comforter and my guide. I do not give my spirit over to evil things. Praying in the spirit strengthens and intensifies my personal relationship with God.
“My prayers are powerful because I am baptised in the Holy Spirit, and He edifies and builds up my spirit man and puts me in contact with the deep things of God. With the Holy Spirit, I am able to pray God’s perfect will apart from my natural understanding, which helps me intercede for others.”
Scripture References: Luke 11:9-13; 1 Corinthians 14:14; Jude 1; 1 Corinthians 14:4, 2:10; Romans 8:26-27