A Prayer for Protection

Throughout the Bible we are constantly reminded to “fear not.” It is not God’s will that we live in anxiety or fear, ever. Remember, He is well able to protect you, your family and all who take a stand on His Word. The following is a prayer based on Scripture. Put yourself and God in remembrance of His Word and know that the only “safe” place there will ever be is under His protection.
Father, in the Name of Jesus, I thank You that You watch over Your Word to perform it.
Father, I praise You that I dwell in the secret place of the Most High and that I shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty—whose power no foe can withstand. I will say of You, Lord, “The Lord is my refuge and my fortress, my God; on Him I lean and rely, and in Him I confidently trust!”
For then You will deliver me from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence. Then You will cover me with Your feathers, and under Your wings shall I trust and find refuge. Your truth and Your faithfulness are a shield and a buckler.
Father, You are my confidence, firm and strong. You keep my foot from stumbling, being caught in a trap, or hidden danger. Father, You give me safety and ease me. I know You will keep me in perfect peace because my mind is stayed on You and I trust in You. I thank You, Lord, that I may lie down and You will give me peaceful sleep, for You sustain me and make me dwell in safety.
I shall not be afraid of the terror of the night, nor of the arrow (the evil plots and slanders of the wicked) that flies by day, nor of the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor of the destruction and sudden death that surprise and lay waste at noonday.
A thousand may fall at my side, and ten thousand at my right hand, but it shall not come near me. Only a spectator shall I be—inaccessible in the secret place of the Most High—as I witness the reward of the wicked.
Continue to meditate on this prayer for yourself and for your loved ones. Speaking it daily will allow the Word of God concerning protection to reach deep into your spirit.
Scripture References: Jeremiah 1:12; Psalms 91:1-16, 112:7; Proverbs 3:26, 23-24; Psalms 3:5, 4:8, 127:2, 34:7