A Prayer for Work That Prospers

No matter what your position or profession, God has designed a system to prosper you. In fact, you are not limited to your paycheck, your education, your abilities or anything else in the natural. When you make God your one and only Source, put your hands to something, and allow Him room to bless it, the possibilities for your increase are endless.
The most powerful stories of Christians who walk in financial victory are also those who have put God first place, sought to obey every part of His Word, and believed by faith that He would bless the work of their hands. You can do the same! Begin to bring your faith into alignment with God’s system of wealth creation by praying this prayer for work that prospers.
Father, in the Name of Jesus, I praise You and thank You that You are a good God. Thank You that You love me, and You want to help me grow more and more like Jesus every day. I thank You that You are my Healer, my Deliverer, my Strong Tower and my Provider. Lord, You have said in Your Word that You have given me the power to get wealth. I acknowledge today that You are my sole Source of supply. I declare right now that I do not rely on my job, my paycheck, my family, credit cards or the government to provide my needs. I honour You as my sole Provider today, and I praise You and thank You for it.
Lord, in Psalm 1,You have described a blessed man or woman as one who does not follow the advice or leading of ungodly people, one who does not hang around and rub elbows with sinners, and one who does not sit in the seat of the scornful (one who is proud, unteachable, critical of others). You said a blessed man or woman delights in Your law and meditates on Your Word all the time. I ask You to help me become that man or woman and overcome any hindrances in my life.
Your Word says I will be like a tree planted by the rivers of water—a continual source of the Holy Spirit and everything You provide—a continual source of financial blessing. I declare that I will bring forth fruit in season, and my leaf will not wither—I will not lack anything I need. I pray, according to Psalm 1, that everything I set my hands to will prosper. Help me to honour Your system of work and be diligent to do all things as unto You, with excellence and a good and pure heart.
Lord, I believe You want me prosperous, so I’m praying for that prosperity. I ask that You bless the work of my hands, that You will bring me favour in every way that I engage with the business community. As You place favour upon the work of my hands, I expect the result of my work to be multiplied supernaturally.
In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
As you stir your faith, pray the Word, and believe you receive what you pray, you will begin to see a change in your atmosphere. We cansee supernatural results from the work of our hands. When we learn to work in God’s system from a biblical standpoint, wealth and prosperity will always be the result.
Scripture References: Deuteronomy 16:15, 28:8, 30:9; Psalm 1
Watch Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons teach you how to be completely set free from a poverty mentality.