How to Pray the Prayer of Faith

Have you heard about the importance of praying in faith? Have you wondered what that means and how to do it but don’t know where to begin? You may be a new Christian, or you may be a Christian who is desiring a deeper, Spirit-led life in the Lord. Regardless of where you are in your spiritual life, the prayer of faith is an important part of your journey. If you want to have your prayers answered, then you need to learn about the prayer of faith—what it is and how to do it.
Take a look at this passage where Jesus explains the prayer of faith and gives insight into how to do it:
Then Jesus said to the disciples, “Have faith in God. I tell you the truth, you can say to this mountain, ‘May you be lifted up and thrown into the sea,’ and it will happen. But you must really believe it will happen and have no doubt in your heart. I tell you, you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours. But when you are praying, first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against, so that your Father in heaven will forgive your sins, too.” –Mark 11:22-25
Why Is the Prayer of Faith Important?
The prayer of faith is important because it is the key to having your prayers answered. You can’t effect Spirit-led change in your life and in the lives of those around you without faith. On the other hand, with faith, Jesus says, “you can pray for anything, and if you believe that you’ve received it, it will be yours.” Faith finds out what the Word has to say, prays in accordance with that Word and believes regardless of outside circumstances. This kind of prayer depends on and trusts in the Word of God alone. It requires no other confirmation or affirmation.
How to Pray the Prayer of Faith
If you want to practice the prayer of faith, you must do these four things:
- Say It
Notice in the above passage, Jesus says that if you “say to this mountain.” The prayer of faith requires that you speak and proclaim what you want.
- Believe It
It’s not enough to say what you want, if you really don’t believe it’s going to happen. If you believe that you are (fill in the blank), then you must believe it. This is true for healing, wholeness, prosperity or anything else. If you need help building your faith so that you can believe, begin studying God’s Word and listening to ministers (like Kenneth and Gloria Copeland) who will build you up and teach you about the principles of faith.
- Receive It
It doesn’t matter whether or not your prayer is answered right away or if you must stand for it. By faith, see yourself receiving it. If you are standing in faith for your healing, then see (in your mind and heart) that you are whole and healed. If you are standing in faith for a godly spouse, then see (in your mind and heart) that you are married to a godly spouse. This is not some New Age exercise; this is trusting God’s Word and His truth, and becoming convinced of His Word and truth even before your answer comes. It is saying, “God’s Word says it; therefore, I believe it. And that settles it.”
- Act on It
James 2:17 tells us that we must act on our faith: “So you see, faith by itself isn’t enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless.” Ask the Holy Spirit to show you how to act on your faith regarding what you are praying for. Perhaps He’ll lead you to give a special offering, which may be your money, your time, one of your talents or even an existing possession. The point is to be obedient in whatever the Lord directs you to do.
Right now, commit to begin praying the prayer of faith. And if you need even more help understanding how to pray effectively and in accordance with the Word, then check out How to Get Your Prayers Answered: Your 10-Day Spiritual Action Plan. This dynamic package will teach you more about the importance of faith and the prayer of faith, and as well, other types of Spirit-led prayers. Let this be the beginning of a fulfiling prayer life, one that will affect you, your family and quite possibly the world!