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3 Tips to Keep Your Faith in Constant Motion
Stagnant or flowing? Which type of water source would you want to drink from? While stagnant water invites bacteria and disease-carrying larvae, flowing water is a pure, continual source of life-giving refreshment. The same is true of faith. Stagnant faith stinks! And it doesn’t bring life. Faith in constant motion brings life and a continual…
Learn More3 Ways to Know if the Desires of Your Heart Are God’s Will
They are in His Word. This may seem obvious and simple, but the fact is many Christians don’t consider this factor when making a decision. There are times when you need to inquire of God, but others when you don’t because He’s already given the answer. Second Timothy 2:15tells us that we are to rightly…
Learn More36 Reasons to Praise the Lord
When you think of praise and worship, your thoughts likely jump to music at the beginning of a church service. But praise is much more than that—it is a spiritual weapon. When you praise the Lord, it can turn any situation around. Consider these praise-induced victories to stir your faith for your own triumph. “As…
Learn More5 Things Every Christian Should Know About the Equality Act
Veiled schemes against morality are often neatly packaged with a bow made of nice-sounding names. Abortion is packaged as “pro-choice” or “health care,” the steering away from righteousness is “progressive,” and promoting homosexuality is “tolerance.” A new and neatly packaged evil has emerged on the scene using a similar word we all consider to be…
Learn More5 Ways to Put Your Angels to Work
When you are abiding in God—obeying His Word, seeking Him with all your heart, loving Him and others—you have the right to utilise the ministry of angels God has provided. It’s part of your salvation package! He provided these powerful beings to aid you on the earth, to bless you, and to minister to you….
Learn More7 Ways to Become an Expert on Healing
Healing can seem like a bear of a subject sometimes. And the devil would love for us to think it’s too much to comprehend, so we won’t even try. That tired trick is over because God’s people want to know about healing! Though we can never know everything there is to know about God and…
Learn More70 Tradition-Busting Scriptures
Tradition got you down? There’s just one way to go free—the truth! Whatever you’ve been taught by family members or churches, there’s only one source of truth, and that’s God’s Word. If you’ve been believing that miracles aren’t for today, healing isn’t for everyone, or God is the author of anything evil in this world,…
Learn MoreYou are a Joint Heir with Jesus Christ
When you accepted Jesus as your Saviour and Lord, you joined God’s family. You became one of His children, and you received the same rights and privileges that Jesus has. Romans 8:17, NKJV, refers to you as a “joint heir” with Jesus. What a powerful description! You are no longer a sinner saved by grace;…
Learn More8 Ways to Make Your Home a No-Strife Zone
The devil hates agreement between Christians. The power of agreement opens the windows of heaven in our lives and closes the door to his destruction. That’s why he continually tries to disrupt that agreement by causing strife and division where people come together in the most powerful way: the family. You don’t have to take…
Learn MoreA Foolproof Strategy for Developing Fearless Faith
Some people are born with God-given musical talent. But without practice and intentional development of that talent, it won’t come to anything great. The same is true of faith. God has already given you a measure of faith on the inside, but you have to develop it, practice it and train to use it. If…
Learn MoreWhy Forgive? 4 Reasons to Let Go of Unforgiveness Today
Is there someone you need to forgive? Does the mere thought of that person or situation fill you with dread or anger or sadness? If so, it’s time to let the offence go, and grab on to forgiveness instead. No matter what happened—abuse, betrayal, injustice or something else—it’s time to let it go. Here’s why:…
Learn More3 Steps to A Miracle
Do you need a miracle? Maybe you’re at the end of yourself in your finances with no way out. Or, perhaps, you’ve tried every doctor, medicine, supplement and diet you can get your hands on, and you’re still sick and needing healing in your body. What about your family? Is that where you need a…
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