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What Does It Mean to Abide in God’s Word?
Often believers ask how they can stand strong in the midst of uncertainty, including danger. Psalm 91:1, KJV, explains exactly how to do that when it says, “He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” But that scripture begs the question: What does “abide”…
Learn More3 Steps to Living a Fear-Free Life
by Kenneth Copeland The WORD commands us at least 110 times: Fear not! And throughout The WORD, there are many other references to fear in phrases such as “be thou not afraid.” That tells me, God is serious about us being rid of fear. And in these days, we need to be serious about it,…
Learn More3 Things to Do While You’re Standing Firm in Faith
The promises of God belong to you. Every minute of every day, as a child of God, you’re entitled to believe for them and to take possession of them. Maybe you know this, and with great joy, you move forward to take possession—only to find the enemy’s fiery darts flying toward you at every turn….
Learn More3 Ways to Act As If It’s Done
If you’re familiar with the four-step process of receiving God’s promises by faith, you know you must: Believe Speak Act Receive To believe requires developing faith through hearing and hearing and hearing the Word of God. Speaking right words is the fruit of faith, but still requires practice and the development of new habits. But…
Learn MoreTo Whom is the Bible Written?
“Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” –2 Timothy 2:15, KJV To better understand Scripture and to glean all you can from it, it’s important to understand to whom a particular book is written. This is not to say we can’t…
Learn MoreWhat Does God Say About the Words You Speak?
You’ve heard people say that the words you speak are important. You may even agree that it’s beneficial to your mental health to focus on the positive side of life instead of the negative. But what does God’s Word say about your words? Does the Bible instruct you to watch the words you speak closely?…
Learn MoreUnderstanding the Harvest
When you plant a seed, how does it flourish? While the specifics may differ across the varieties of vegetables, fruit, grains, flowers and trees, the basics are the same. Every plant needs water, food, quality soil and sunshine, and most strongly benefit from weeding and pruning. Beneath the surface of the soil, intricate, divinely orchestrated…
Learn MoreThe Fool’s Dozen: 13 Scriptures That Define a Fool
Each year, people around the world celebrate April Fool’s Day, a day for pranks and practical jokes. No one wants to be made the fool, so everyone is on their toes and on the lookout for any pranksters! But did you know, the Bible has a lot to say about a fool? And it’s more…
Learn MoreHow to Walk Closely with God
Anyone who wants to know God—to walk closely with Him—must obey Him. There is no way that we can come into a close relationship with the Lord, walk fully in THE BLESSING, and enjoy the communion that our spirits desire without obeying Him. If we will walk with Him, obey His Word, and follow the…
Learn MoreHow to Receive Revelation Knowledge
When you read the Bible, it can change your life. Why then do so many read page after page and never see the breakthrough they need? Many times, it’s because they’re approaching God’s Word from what they see and feel instead of allowing the Holy Spirit to reveal the truth directly to their spirits—and then…
Learn MoreHow to Meditate on the Word of God
It takes more than just reading the Bible to grow spiritually. When you learn how to meditate on the Word of God, you can move into a believing faith that always receives! Do you ever have trouble believing the Word of God? Not just agreeing with it mentally, but really believing that what it says…
Learn MoreHow the Holy Spirit Helps You
Who is the Holy Spirit, and why is He important? If you’re a new Christian or new to the Spirit-filled life, these may be questions you’ve asked. You may have come from a religious upbringing that avoided talking about the Holy Spirit, or you may be a new Christian who has never known He exists….
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