A Prayer to Become a Fisher of Men

Evangelising seems to be easier for some than for others. Maybe you’ve even marvelled at those who witness to everyone they come across as if it were no big deal, but you find it difficult to share even with those closest to you.
Some people try to back out of witnessing by claiming, “That’s not my gifting.” But the truth is — evangelism isn’t a gifting, it’s a calling and mandate for every believer.
Much of what God calls us to do requires His supernatural help. And this is no different!
If you’re ready to step out of the boat and do what Jesus called you to do, here is a prayer to become a fisher of men you can pray in faith.
Father, in the Name of Jesus, I thank You for saving me and setting me free from sin, death, hell and the curse. I thank You that I am saved, delivered, healed and set up for victory in every area of my life. Lord, I do not desire to keep this unmerited blessing to myself. I want to share the gift of Jesus with the world.
Father, You have called me to go into all the world and preach the good news of Jesus Christ. I want to honour and obey that call. So, right now in the Name of Jesus, I declare that I am a fisher of men. I am not intimidated by rejection, persecution or ridicule. I am strong in the Lord and the power of Your might. I have the mind of Christ, and I can share my testimony, without fear, with others.
I ask that You help me to be bold and courageous in sharing my faith. I ask that You make my tongue the pen of a ready writer — that You would give me the perfect words to speak to each individual. God, You know their hearts better than even they do, and You can speak right to the tender places of their spirit. I ask that You do this through me and that I would see the fruit of my labour.
Thank You for calling me to be a labourer in this precious harvest. I call in a harvest of new believers now, in Jesus’ Name!
When you pray this prayer to become a fisher of men, believe you receive the anointing to do so! Once you start sharing your faith, you won’t be able to stop. Remember — don’t base your results on the initial reactions of people. You are planting the Word in their hearts, and the Word of God never returns void!
Scriptures: Psalm 45:1; Matthew 9:37; Mark 16:15; Luke 12:12; Galatians 3:13; 1 Corinthians 2:16