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2.Speak: Did you know that the words you say can affect your situation?

Use the power of your words to turn your financial situation around for good. Use the confessions below for some powerful scriptures you can speak aloud.

7 Confessions To Bring In Your Harvest

Many Christians have settled for the idea that we are to sow, then kick back and wait for the harvest to roll in. Then, frustration sets in when the harvest doesn’t come, and they say, “How much more can I give?” The truth is, biblical reaping is not automatic. Proverbs 10:4-5 tells us we must…

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10 Declarations for Financial Freedom

When you’re buried in debt and trying to get out, it may seem like an impossible task — a mountain, even. But what did Jesus say to do when you’re facing a mountain? Be afraid of it? Run from it? Wait for God to speak a special word to you? No. He said, “Speak to…

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Daily Confessions for Financial Victory

God wants His people to receive everything He has promised, so knowing what He promised is vital! God’s will is always to prosper His people—He will never forget you nor forsake you. When it seems like there is nothing you can do—speak faith—speak victory. Begin today with these confessions for financial victory you can declare…

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A Confession of Faith for Living in the Overflow

Are you living in the overflow? The land of more than enough? Most Christians aren’t. But the time has come for us to live on a higher dimension of God’s provision. The time has come for us to live beyond paycheck to paycheck. The time has come for us to give our tithes and offerings,…

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The Confession of a Prosperous Christian

If you feel like you’ve been living at the bottom of the barrel, struggling to make ends meet, putting things back on the shelf at the grocery store, and praying you’ll have enough just to pay your bills—you aren’t living the life Jesus died to give you! Throughout the Bible, God is clear—His plan for…

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Thank You, Lord, for Prospering Me!

Lord, I thank You that You want my family and me to prosper and be in health even as our souls prosper because we are Your children. I know that as I study, follow and obey Your Word, I will succeed in all I do. I am like a tree planted along the riverbank, bearing…

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Biblical Confessions for My Finances

God cares about your finances! Sound surprising? Did you know that there are more than 2,000 verses in the Bible that deal with financial issues like money, greed, stewardship, debt, hard work, contentment, provision, investments and more? Just as with anything else, you should approach your finances in faith, believing that your heavenly Father will…

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10 Confessions for Finances in the New Year

Here are four confessions and 10 Bible verses to stand on for your finances in the new year. “My father taught me, ‘Take my words to heart. Follow my commands, and you will live. Get wisdom; develop good judgement. Don’t forget my words or turn away from them.’” –Proverbs 4:4-5 This is an important time…

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God Delights in Your Prosperity!

God delights in my prosperity! He wants me to live an abundant life, so that I can be a blessing to others! God wishes above all things that I prosper and be in health—even as my soul prospers! (3 John 2) And prosperity is so much more than money. True prosperity is abundance in every…

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Why a Positive Confession Matters

Words have power. They can hurt and they can bless. But the power of words reaches much further than the impact they make on our emotions. Our words have supernatural power—power that changes circumstances and shapes destinies. In fact, it is our unique ability to choose and speak words that distinguishes man from the rest…

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Seven Things That Bring Increase

These principles are how Ken and I laid a foundation for the prosperous life—and also how we maintain it. — Gloria Copeland Walking in truth. This means walking in the light of God’s Word, according to His ways, His wisdom and what He says is right. I’m not talking about just reading scriptures about prosperity….

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Your Financial Breakthrough Confession and Prayer

“Father, in the Name of Jesus, we ask You for $_________. We have this money in our heavenly account and are withdrawing this amount now. We believe we receive $__________. As in Mark 11:23-24, we believe it in our hearts and confess now that it is ours in the Name of Jesus. We agree that…

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