Powerhouse Confessions About Finances During Tough Times

There aren’t many things that can cause more stress and anxiety than financial pressure. It can be an all-consuming worry during the day and keep you up all night.
Whatever your situation today—whether it’s mounting debt, the loss of a job or unexpected expenses—God wants to deliver you and restore the years that the locusts have eaten (Joel 2:25).
But you must remember, every victory is sealed with your mouth.
If you’ve been speaking against your finances or the economy in any way—STOP. Give your financial situation a complete 180 by speaking these powerhouse confessions about finances during tough times.
I declare in the Name of Jesus…
My God supplies all my needs according to His riches in glory.
It is the will of Jehovah Jireh—my Provider—that I prosper.
Wealth and riches are in my house.
I refuse to worry about my rent, mortgage payment, car payment, food or bills because I know God takes careof the birds, and I am more important to Him than they are.
No matter what happens in this world, my finances are blessed. No matter what the economy does, my financesare blessed. No matter what happens at my workplace, my finances are blessed.
As a tither, I know that God rebukes the devourer from stealing from me.
I am led by the Spirit in my finances.
I refuse to take Satan’s bait and fear about any area of my finances. I stand in faith and keep the doorclosed to his plans.
I walk in abundance, prosperity and supernatural overflow.
I have the mind of Christ, and money-making ideas are coming to me.
I don’t settle for less than God’s best in my life.
I don’t settle for the world’s expectations in my finances.
I reach beyond what I think is possible and allow room for God to do exceedingly abundantly above what Icould ever imagine in my finances.
The news or world events don’t move my faith an inch when it comes to God’s power working in my finances.
Because the Lord is my Shepherd, I do not want for anything.
I am free from emotions or the opinions of others regarding my finances.
I refuse to be shaken by bad news or negative world events.
What the enemy has meant for evil in my finances, God will turn for my good.
God will make a way where there seems to be no way.
I speak to the mountain of debt and command it to move in Jesus’ Name!
I speak to my bills and command them to be paid in Jesus’ Name!
God is my Deliverer, my Protector, my Fortress and my Strong Tower.
I am increasing and being promoted.
I am living in the overflow.
I am a victor!
I am more than a conqueror!
When you line up your words with God’s Word regarding your finances, expect to see some dramatic changes! You’ll start to see bills reduced, raises, promotions and money coming from places you weren’t expecting. You’ll begin to see debt freedom and most importantly—PEACE. Today and every day, God wants to meet all your needs. Start speaking the all-consuming power of God’s Word over your finances today!
Scriptures: Deuteronomy 28:2; Isaiah 43:19; Malachi 3:10-11; Mark 11:23-24; Luke 12:7; John 14:27; Romans 8:14; Galatians 5:16; Philippians 4:19
Watch this powerful KCM Partner testimony of a journey to financial prosperity.