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25 Things To Say When You Need To Be Encouraged


If you think you’re having a difficult time right now, David is one who would understand.

He and his men had been away at battle when they returned home to Ziklag, only to find that their enemies, the Amalekites, had taken everything. Their wives, children and everyone else from their camp had been abducted. Oh, and to top it off – the Amalekites burned the whole place to the ground.

David and his men “wept, until they could weep no more” (1 Samuel 30:4). Then it got worse. David’s men were so bitter about what had happened, they began talking about stoning him! This is when David became greatly distressed. David found himself at a crossroads. Be discouraged or take another, not-so-like-the-flesh path.

Verse 6 says, “And David was greatly distressed…but David encouraged himself in the LORD his God” (KJV). This is important because right after this, his entire situation turned around.

It’s not always the first thing that comes to mind, but it is the key to breakthrough.

How can you encourage yourself in the Lord?

Spend time in His presence worshipping and praising Him. Get together with Spirit-filled friends who can speak life and truth to you. Fill your home with scriptures playing out loud or faith-filled teaching on VICTORY Channel®. But above all, your words steer your thoughts, and nothing is more powerful than hearing the truth of God’s Word coming out of your own mouth. Anytime you’re feeling weary, alone or down, pick up this list, speak these 25 things to say when you need to be encouraged – and be encouraged!

  1. I am a new creation, created in Christ Jesus. (2 Corinthians 5:17)
  2. I am healed by the stripes of Jesus. (1 Peter 2:24)
  3. I am more than a conqueror through Him that loves me. (Romans 8:37)
  4. I am strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. (Ephesians 6:10)
  5. I am like a tree planted by the rivers of water. I bring forth my fruit in my season. My leaf won’t wither and whatever I do shall prosper. (Psalm 1:3)
  6. I am as bold as a lion. (Proverbs 28:1)
  7. I am a world overcomer. (1 John 5:4-5)
  8. I have the faith of God residing in me. (Mark 11:22)
  9. I have the peace of God that passes understanding. (Philippians 4:7)
  10. I have joy unspeakable and full of glory. (1 Peter 1:8)
  11. I have victory that overcomes the world. (1 John 5:4)
  12. I have the mind of Christ. (I Corinthians 2:16)
  13. I have all my need supplied according to God’s riches in glory by Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:19)
  14. I have been given the spirit of power and of love and of a sound mind – not the spirit of fear. (2 Timothy 1:7)
  15. I have the joy of the Lord, which is my strength. (Nehemiah 8:10)
  16. I have Christ in me, the hope of glory. (Colossians 1:27)
  17. I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me. (Philippians 4:13)
  18. I can always triumph in Christ. (2 Corinthians 2:14)
  19. I can call those things which be not as though they were. (Romans 4:17)
  20. I can lay hands on the sick and see them recover. (Mark 16:18)
  21. I can use the authority in the Name of Jesus to overcome sin, sickness, demons, fear, lack and death. (Philippians 2:9-11)
  22. I can mount up with wings as eagles because my strength is renewed. (Isaiah 40:31)
  23. I can run and not be weary. (Isaiah 40:31)
  24. I can walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31)
  25. I can fight the good fight of faith. (2 Timothy 4:7)

If you aren’t shouting and praising by the end of this list, start over and read them out loud again! These 25 Things To Say When You Need To Be Encouraged will remind you of who you are in Christ, what you have been given through Him, and the unending abilities you have with Him on your side. Hallelujah! God is good!

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