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3 Confessions to Build Your Faith

3 Confessions to Build Your Faith

Faith is the doorway to abundance. It’s the key to unlimited treasure. Its laws of operation are sure, steadfast and as unchanging as Jesus Himself. The laws of faith apply to every area of life—spiritual, mental, physical, financial, relational and professional.

Did you know that you have the same right to use the faith of God as Jesus has? After all, God is as much your Father as He is Jesus’ Father. You’re as much His child as Jesus is. Does the Scripture only say all things are possible with God? No, it also says all things are possible to the believer.

But, it’s up to us how far we go with the faith He has given us. The only limits placed on the growth of faith are there because of us, not because the Father has limited it in any way. The growth of our faith is in direct proportion to the time spent developing it. It’s not like the growth of natural things that have built-in limitations. Faith will continue to grow until it becomes however large it has to be, to overcome whatever the storms of life bring against us.

Satan is limited. Everything in this world of sin and death, thank God, is defeated. Faith is unlimited. Why? Because its source is unlimited.

That’s why faith is so easy for the person who spends time in the Word. It’s as natural to the life of the believer as swimming is to a fish. It’s what we were born to do—BELIEVE!

You can begin today to develop your faith to a level that will touch every area of your life and make a change where you need it the most. Begin today by speaking these three confessions to build your faith.

  1. A Confession to Ignore Natural Circumstances

    I’m not moved by what I see, feel or experience. I have the God kind of faith. God’s Word is in my heart and in my mouth. I have spoken my faith and I believe I receive ________. Though I haven’t yet seen the physical results, I know I have them and am unmoved by negative circumstances.

    Thank You, God, that I have a great High Priest in heaven, and His Name is Jesus Christ. He said I can have whatever I say. So, out of the abundance of my heart, I speak the Word of God over my situation. Your Word never fails!

    Scriptures: Romans 10:8; Mark 11:23-24; James 2:17; Hebrews 4:14-16; Matthew12:34

  2. A Confession to Move Mountains

    I do as Jesus did, and I speak to the mountain of _________ in my life. I command ___________ to be removed from my (life, body, relationship, job) and cast it into the sea and away from me! I believe I receive it removed by faith.

    I have no doubt in my mind that I am free from ________. No weapons of fear, doubt or unbelief formed against me shall prosper. I call those things that are not as though they were and hope for what I do not have—waiting patiently for it to come to pass in my life.

    Scriptures: Mark 11:23-25; Isaiah 54:17; Romans 4:17, 8:25

  3. A Confession That Declares, “My Faith Works”

    I hear, study, believe and confess God’s Word, and my faith continues to grow. I abide in God and His Word abides in me. So, I for ask what I need according to His Word, and I believe I receive it by faith. Jesus is Lord over my situation, and I do not fear or worry about what I’m going through because I released my faith, and God’s will is being done in my life right now.

    Jesus is the Author and Finisher of my faith, so I look to Him by believing and acting on His Word! I believe that my faith works because I believe God’s Word is true, it comes to pass, and He is the rewarder of those who seek Him. I not only hear the Word, but I act on it by faith. I do not doubt, but I believe in my heart that I have what I spoke by faith.

    Scriptures: Romans 10:17; John 15:7; Mark 11:23-24s; Hebrews 12:2, 11:6; James 2:17

When you speak these three confessions to build your faith on a regular basis, you will begin to renew your mind to the truth in God’s Word and see a change in every area of your life! Don’t ever let the devil have the last word. Speak the Word of God—speak faith!

Watch Kenneth Copeland teach how faith is a spiritual force given by God, but it’s up to you to grow your faith!

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