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3 Reasons to Go on a Media Fast

3 Reasons to Go on a Media Fast

Facebook, Instagram, YouTube®, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, movies, TV, texting, email, Internet. There are a lot of voices vying for your attention. At first, they’re just part of everyday life—resources we “need” to function. But over time, statistics, criticisms, gossip, bad news, updates and even sin continually flowing through screens clutter the heart and mind.

The problem with daily saturation in the things of this world is that they can slowly drown out the voice of TRUTH—the voice of God. Without keeping things in check and recognising the influence these outlets have on your thoughts and beliefs, spiritual trouble will come.

The solution?

It’s time to unplug.

Here are 3 Reasons to Go on a Media Fast and pave the road to peace, joy and spiritual freedom.

  1. A Media Fast Will Renew Your Mind

    The purpose of fasting of any kind is to deny fleshly desire. So, if you’ve made looking at your phone the first thing you do in the morning and the last thing you do at night, media has moved into the top position in your life.

    It’s no coincidence that Romans 12:2 commands us not to be conformed to this world. God knew we’d be regularly inundated with information contrary to His Word. He knew Satan would use every avenue to reach us with fear, doubt, anger, sin and all kinds of confusion. That’s why He told us to not only avoid worldly ideas but to renew our minds.

    The word renew means “to reestablish, give fresh life to, replace something that is broken, to make new, to replenish.”

    When you take time to unplug from the negativity in the news, the barrage of personal updates, the critical comments on social media and everything else, you’ll begin to feel a sense of quiet and peace in your life. You’ll give your heart and mind a break from the noise, and the chance to just be you—the you God made you to be. You might even find out something about yourself you didn’t know. Even better, you may get an instruction from God that you’ve been waiting for.

  2. A Media Fast Will Bring Revelation

    Isaiah 58:6-8 talks about what happens when you fast: “Then your light will break out like the dawn, and you will be healed quickly” (verse 8, CEB). When you fast, even a nonfood fast, “your light” (your revelation) will break through.

    In other words, when you fast, you will begin to receive things from the light of God’s Word because fasting brings revelation. When all you consume is the truth of God’s Word and His still, small voice—without anything else competing for your heart—you will receive revelation, new insight, and understanding from Him.

    A media fast is a time when God has your full attention. You can reestablish the truth about His love, His goodness, His commands that help you live a good life—all of which drive out fear, doubt, insecurity, anger and bitterness.

    Revelation in the Word changes everything.

  3. A Media Fast Will Give You Perspective

    Clearing away the flesh and the voices that have been speaking into your life will give you a new perspective. Suddenly, things you thought were so important really aren’t. Those things that offended you and made you angry, you realise, were actually a spirit of strife gone awry in your heart.

    That’s what fasting—even a nonfood fast—will do. Fasting isn’t just giving something up; it’s the deliberate pushing aside of everything—subduing the flesh—and giving God your full attention.

    You may even walk away from this realising that things simply can’t go back to the way they were. Maybe God is calling you to stop reading the news, eliminate certain TV shows or movies, or put a time limit on your media consumption. You may also find areas where you’ve unintentionally become desensitised to sin in the world around you.

    Whatever you take away from your media fast, you can be sure that you will walk away better, refreshed and renewed.

    If you’re interested in pursuing a media fast, here are some quick tips to get you started:

    • A media fast can be formally before the Lord or just a personal decision.
    • A media fast can be for a week, a month, 40 days or any other time frame you choose. There are no adverse physical effects associated with turning off your mobile phone!
    • You can fast social media only, or all media, including television. Maybe you even need to unplug from texts and emails, and just stick with phone calls for a while. Remember, this is to be a time of renewal and refreshing. Just let friends and family know you’re unplugging for a season, and that you’ll be back soon.

    What do you do in your spare time?

    • Read a good book.
    • Spend more time in prayer and the Word.
    • Listen to faith-based teachings.
    • Get together with friends for coffee or lunch.
    • Bake something!
    • Take on that DIY project you’ve been wanting to tackle.
    • Spend more time outdoors.
    • Be more present and available to your family.
    • Play board games.
    • Take up that class you’ve always thought about trying.

We’ve shared only three of many good reasons to go on a media fast, as well as some tips to get you started. You may be cringing at the thought of going without your phone or your favourite TV shows, but we guarantee—you’ll be blessed by the process! Do something amazing for yourself: Unplug, renew and strengthen yourself for the days ahead.

Remember…we love you, and we’re always here for you.

Watch Gloria Copeland teach you how to renew your mind to the Word of God.

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