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3 Steps to Successfully Meditate on the Word of God

3 Steps to Successfully Meditate on the Word of God

Suppose Henry Ford walked up, handed you a book, and said, “This book contains every secret I have learnt in the automobile industry, in the manufacturing business and in the stock market. If you read it and meditate on it each day, it is guaranteed to bring you great success.” If you were guaranteed the same success as Henry Ford, you’d probably do exactly what he said, right? Well, this and so much more is available to you in the Word of God! However, to maximise the benefits you receive from it, you not only need to read His Word, but you also need to meditateon His Word. Begin today with these three steps to successfully meditate on the Word of God.

  1. Turn On Your Spiritual Ears

    “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!”

    Those are the words Jesus spoke in Matthew 11:15 when He was offering special instruction and guidance. However, Jesus wasn’t talking about hearing with your physical ears—He was talking about hearing with your spiritual ears.

    That means we don’t just listen and comprehend what God is saying when we read His Word, we also receive it by faith, and reflect on it until it is planted in our hearts, moving us to act on it.

    You see, people can go to theological seminaries and study the Word year after year, and still graduate with absolutely no understanding (or revelation knowledge) whatsoever to take with them! That is not the kind of hearing Jesus was referring to.

    When the knowledge of God’s Word comes into a person’s heart, understanding (revelation) enables him or her to walk it, talk it, and apply it to his or her life. When this happens, living the Christian life will no longer be a matter of keeping a set of rules and regulations. Instead, it will become a supernatural walk of following God in the spirit, unhindered and undefeated.

    Take the time to turn on your spiritual ears during your quiet time by receiving what you read by faith, reflecting on it, and applying it to your life. When you do, you’ll begin to successfully meditate on the Word of God!

  2. Keep from Being Distracted

    Have you ever tried to sit down to a quiet time only to be distracted by a sink full of dirty dishes, text messages or a dog begging for attention? You’re not alone! But there is another distraction that is even more of a threat to you being able to successfully meditate on the Word of God—competing thoughts.

    One of these competing thoughts is worry. Let’s say God has instructed you to be completely debt free, but you don’t have enough cash yet to buy everything you need. Instead of meditating on the problem and thinking, I’m afraid I’ll never be able to afford to buy anything,make a change. Start meditating on what God says in Philippians 4:19.

    When you worry, you are meditating on the words of the devil. Don’t tolerate that! When thoughts of worry, fear or anxiety come to mind—resist him and resist him quickly. Don’t allow him to hang around, pressuring your mind. At the first symptom of unbelief, command Satan to flee. At the first symptom of sickness, act on God’s Word and resist it in Jesus’ Name. At the first symptom of lack, command it to go. Do not procrastinate in spiritual things. Act immediately at the first sign of temptation. This will keep you from being distracted, and will help you stay focused on meditating on what is true and right—God’s Word!

  3. Take It Personally

    When you successfully meditate on God’s Word, you won’t just read it—you’ll take it into your heart in a very personal way and apply it to your own situation. When you read a scripture about the blessing of prosperity, for example, don’t think, Hey, that sounds nice, but I could never have it. Instead, apply it to yourself and say, “Hallelujah! That’s God’s Word to me. He says He’ll meet my need liberally, according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus, and I’m expecting Him to do that in my situation!”

    If you’ve been reading the Bible like a history book, make a change and begin to see it as God talking directly to you. Take time to meditate on it. Think about it. Digest it. Take it so personally that it moves from your head to your heart, and it will become powerful and active in your life.

    To lay hold of that kind of abundance, you need to do what Joshua 1:8 says. You need to “meditate the Word.” Tomeditatemeans to “fix your mind.” So, fix your mind on the Word of God every day. Apply it to yourself personally. Allow the Holy Spirit to make it a reality in your heart.

    Carefully ponder how the Word you’ve read applies to your life. Ask yourself, “What does this word from God say to me? What does it mean in my life? How can it change my situation?”

    Then place yourself in agreement with what God says about you in that word. Make up your mind that you are who God says you are. You can do what God says you can do. And you can have what He says you can have. Put yourself in agreement with Him, and then receive it.

    When you put these three steps to successfully meditate on God’s Word into practice during your quiet time and throughout the day, you will begin to see a dramatic shift in your thinking, believing, speaking and receiving. Don’t be a spectator in this life—reach out and take the supernatural success God has in store for you!

Watch Kenneth Copeland as he shares how meditation brings revelation!

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