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5 Tips for Sharing Your Faith

5 Tips for Sharing Your Faith

There is a great ingathering of souls taking place before Christ’s return, and He has sent you to take your own unique place as a reaper in the harvest! Even the shyest person can take the good news of God’s love and reach people for Christ. You can easily and successfully share your faith in God’s Word of forgiveness and salvation with anyone you meet—and you can do it with confidence!

Soul winning is not complicated! In fact, the simpler you keep it, the more effective you will be when sharing the truths from God’s Word that will save and change people’s lives. Do you remember what pulled you out of the empty life you were living before Jesus came into your life? You were on an endless road going nowhere when someone talked to you. Someone invited you to church; maybe it was a co-worker. Or someone handed you a gospel tract. You are a witness of God’s love. Let’s never forget the time we got saved!

That’s the idea behind evangelism—to leave the people with whom you come into contact in a better place spiritually than before you met them.

If you are ready to develop your evangelism skills and fearlessly share the gospel to a lost and hurting world, use these five tips for sharing your faith from KCM Minister of Evangelism Riley Stephenson, and become the soul winner you know God has called you to be!

Watch evangelism training with Riley Stephenson at Kenneth Copeland Ministries in the video below:

  1. Sharing Your Faith Tip No. 1—Don’t Debate

    We are called to reap a harvest of people’s souls (Mark 16:15), not debate with other religions or even other Christian denominations. Many believers feel it’s their responsibility to “defend the Lord” when they’re witnessing. But our job is simply to give out His Word and to allow the Word to do the work. Remember, His Word is His power (Romans 1:16). Going beyond that by arguing and debating is a distraction and a time-waster, and it should be avoided. So, don’t debate! Just share the truth in love.

  2. Sharing Your Faith Tip No. 2—Have Good Timing

    When someone is working or obviously in the middle of something that requires their full attention, that’s not the time to start sharing the gospel. That will only frustrate people and turn them off to your message. To be effective, be sure to have good timing. Even when people seem available, purpose to make it short and sweet. Riley Stephenson’s soul winning card takes less than three minutes.

  3. Sharing Your Faith Tip No. 3—Don’t Overuse Christian Jargon

    When witnessing to the unsaved, it’s important not to speak “Christianese.” In other words, using a lot of words that are familiar only in Christian circles, or using too many Christian “catch phrases” is almost like speaking a foreign language to those with whom you are sharing!

    The unsaved have difficulty enough understanding or discerning these things without confusing them with words like “hallelujah,” or “I’m saved and sanctified,” or “I’m redeemed.” However, the Spirit of God can minister life to them if we’ll keep our message very simple and direct, don’t use Christian jargon, and deliver it with compassion instead of in a “preachy” way.

  4. Sharing Your Faith Tip No. 4—Leave Something in Their Hands

    It’s a good idea to leave a tract of some kind with people that they can read later. You can keep them in your car, wallet or purse. Remember, a tract is not a substitute for sharing the good news personally and praying the prayer of salvation with others. Nevertheless, it is an important evangelism tool.

    There will be times when you will not be able to share what’s on the pocket card or pray with the person. For example, you might catch a businessperson on his or her way to a meeting. In a case like that, it’s wonderful to be able to leave something in their hands and say, “Read this when you get a chance.”

  5. Sharing Your Faith Tip No. 5— Be Friendly and Smile!

    Have fun sharing the Word of God with others! After all, it’s not you saving the person or doing the work. God’s Word is His power, and He does the work. Your only job is to share God’s Word and pray. God will do the rest, transforming people’s hearts from darkness to light!

    Proverbs 18:24 (NKJV) says, “A man who has friends must himself be friendly….” People will not be open to you or your message if you are unfriendly toward them. So, determine to be friendly and smile, and allow the joy of Jesus to shine from your heart outward to others. Your joy will be contagious and difficult to resist!

Using these five tips for sharing your faith will help you “keep it simple” and speak the truth in love, giving the Lord room to work His wonders in the hearts and lives of the people He came to save! The how-tos of soul winning are not complicated. In fact, the simpler we can keep things, the more effective we’ll be at communicating the very simple truths from God’s Word that will save and change people’s lives…forever!

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