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7 Ways to Become an Expert on Healing

7 Ways to Become an Expert on Healing

Healing can seem like a bear of a subject sometimes. And the devil would love for us to think it’s too much to comprehend, so we won’t even try. That tired trick is over because God’s people want to know about healing!

Though we can never know everything there is to know about God and healing, we can become an expert, which is defined as someone who has a comprehensive knowledge in a particular area. A real expert knows they should always be learning and would never claim to have “arrived” in any area. But being an “expert” on healing will help you take what belongs to you with confidence and minister the same thing to others.

Here are seven ways to become an expert on healing you can begin practising today.

  1. Study the Scriptures About Healing

    To become an expert, it takes more than just reading about healing once in a while. You’ve got to spend time studying the scriptures about healing to really develop a deep understanding of the truth in God’s Word. Consider these tips for getting started:

    • Search the Word for healing scriptures. You can even use an online word search on a website like
    • Write the scriptures you find in a journal or notebook. Do this rather than printing them out, as research shows you remember things more when you write them down.
    • Meditate on them. Don’t just gather the info—think about each verse and what it means to you.
    • Speak them out loud. Take your list and declare them over yourself each day. Personalise them!
  2. Meditate On the Whole Word of God

    Part of developing a deeper understanding of healing is to also gain a deeper understanding of the Healer. In addition to studying healing, spend time reading and meditating on the whole Word of God. You will develop your faith in the LOVE of God and become an expert in healing at the same time!

  3. Speak Only Words of Healing and Victory

    An expert in healing knows that words matter. And speaking only words of healing and victory will also help you become an expert. When symptoms or doctors’ reports are yelling in your ear, talk back! Make your words of healing and victory shout louder than anything else.

  4. Read Books About Healing

    In addition to the Word of God, you can build your knowledge of healing through the revelation and experiences of others. Spend time reading healing books by people like Gloria Copeland, Norvel Hayes, Smith Wigglesworth, Andrew Murray or Andrew Wommack.

    You can also watch teachings on VICTORY Channel™ like God Wants You Well with Gloria Copeland, or listen to teachings by healing minister Billy Burke.

  5. Ask the Lord to Give You Revelation About Healing

    To become an expert, you’re going to need one thing—supernatural help! There are things we still have to learn and discover about God, and it’s exciting finding them out! One way to keep growing in the Lord is to ask Him to give you revelation about healing and any other area of your life. Then, open your heart and allow Him to reveal truth to you in His Word.

  6. Minister Healing to Others

    Kenneth Copeland has said it time and again, “One of the best ways to develop faith for your own healing is ministering healing to others.”


    Because it will FORCE you to tap into the deepest part of what you know and pull it out. It will motivate you to tune into the Holy Spirit, apply God’s Word, and stand in faith.

  7. Praise God for Healing Every Day

    Praising God is a faith builder. You can’t praise God and not grow in faith. When you praise Him, you’re reminding yourself of His goodness, love, compassion, mercy and sovereignty. If you praise Him long enough, you’ll be so stirred up, nothing will be able to stop you from taking what He’s given you.

    Take time to praise God for healing every day. The experts do it—you should, too. They know the power in praise. Countless people have been healed simply by praising the Lord for who He is and the healing He’s already provided.

When you practice these seven ways to become an expert on healing, you WILL see transformation in your life. There’s a saying that nothing changes if nothing changes. If you want to see a change in the way you receive and minister healing, it all starts with a change inside you!

Watch this powerful healing service with Billy Burke!

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