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7 Ways to Help Get Out the Christian Vote

7 Ways to Help Get Out the Christian Vote

Twenty-five million Christians who were registered DIDN’T VOTE in the 2016 election. In addition to that number, 15 million Christians weren’t registered to vote at all. That’s 40 million missing votes!

You can help change this disappointing statistic.

Here are 7 Ways to Help Get Out the Christian Vote and make a BIG IMPACT in your world.

  1. Share on Social Media

    Research shows that people are more likely to vote when encouraged to do so by someone they know. Jump on your social media platforms, and encourage your friends and family to vote. Include information on where to register and specific details for each state. You can also include a link to a summary sheet of a comparison of party platforms.

  2. Start a Voter Pledge

    Make it a movement! Studies show that when you tell someone else about your commitment, you’re more likely to follow through—and so are they. Whether through a service like Survey Monkey, a social media platform or a group text, start a voter pledge where everyone can see who is committing to vote. Then, encourage people to check in with a thumbs-up or American flag emoji when they return from the voting booth.

  3. Encourage Your Church to Offer Voter Registration Information

    Many churches provide easy access to voter registration information in the lobby of the sanctuary before and after services. This is a great way to get out the vote!

  4. Make It An Event

    If you have the time, plan to meet a group of friends for breakfast, lunch or coffee after voting. It gives you something extra to look forward to!

  5. Pray for Christians to Show Up to Vote

    Hearts aren’t forced into changing; they’re won into doing so. Pray that God will soften hardened hearts and stir those who have been sleeping to rise up and take their place.

  6. Host a Voter Mobilisation Drive

    You can do this in your community or at work, or offer to do so at your church. You can find a free toolkit with bulletin inserts, videos, legal information and many other resources at

  7. Send Out an Election Day Text

    Get yourself to the polls early on Nov. 3, take a selfie wearing your “I Voted” sticker, and send it to all your friends and family via text. Let them know you voted, then ask them, “Have you?”

Voting is contagious! When you stir one friend or family member to vote, they will likely stir their own group. Your small circle turns into a massive army when you simply start the chain of communication. You can have a BIG impact on the upcoming election. Let’s work together and get out the Christian vote!

Watch Kenneth Copeland, Pastor George Pearsons, Bishop Keith Butler and David Barton discuss why voting is a responsibility, not a right.

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