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A 3-Step Plan for Total Forgiveness

A 3-Step Plan for Total Forgiveness

Someone has done you wrong. Maybe it was a small offence, but boy, does it rub you the wrong way. Or perhaps it was something the world would deem “unforgivable”—an unthinkable betrayal, an assault—something that cannot be repaired, and you don’t think you can ever manage to keep it from coming to mind.

It’s true—there are many offences that can leave us feeling so hurt, we don’t know how we could ever possibly forgive. Jesus knew we would feel this way when He said, “When you stand praying, if you hold anything against anyone, forgive them” (Mark 11:25, NIV).

Jesus will never command us to do anything that isn’t possible. And more importantly, He doesn’t command us to do anything that isn’t in our own best interest.

Unforgiveness is a dark prison. It keeps you locked in bitterness, sadness and fear. It blocks you from receiving God’s blessings in your life—from living free.

If you have someone you have been struggling to forgive—you can go free—NOW. Don’t let someone else’s poor choices hinder you any longer. Shake loose from the burden of unforgiveness, and go after your miracles, your manifestations, your blessings and your abundant life!

Begin today with this 3-step plan for total forgiveness.

  1. Desire to forgive.

    It may not seem like it, but having a desire to forgive is the biggest hurdle you need to clear before you can reach total forgiveness. Most of the time, people feel justified in holding a grudge—they’ve been wronged, after all!

    Forgiving someone isn’t a special favour to those who have wronged you. It isn’t justifying what they’ve done, and it doesn’t even indicate a restored relationship. In fact, forgiveness isn’t something that happens between you and another person—it is an actual transaction between you and God.

    It is a quiet, personal transformation in your heart, and it gives God room to take care of justice on your behalf (Deuteronomy 32:35).

    If you want to hold on to a grudge, you’ll never get where you need to go. You’ve got to desire to forgive. And it begins with a desire to obey God that outweighs any other fleshly desire.

  2. Make a decision to forgive.

    Jesus did not suggest that we forgive. He made forgiveness a command (Matthew 6:14-15). And it would be unjust for Him to command us to do something we could not do. Therefore, we know it is within our ability to obey His command to forgive—no matter what the circumstances.

    Most people don’t realise it, but unforgiveness is actually a form of fear. Quite often, we don’t forgive because we’re afraid of getting hurt again. We’re afraid we will never recover from the damage someone has done to our lives.

    That’s why, once you have the desire to forgive, you need to make a decision to forgive.

    Maybe you’re thinking, I’ve already made the decision to forgive—time and again—but every time I think of the person or situation, I get angry again.

    Here’s the secret: You forgive by faith, not by feelings.

  3. Fight to stay in forgiveness.

    Once you make the decision to forgive, you will have to fight to stay in forgiveness. The devil will do everything he can to knock you off your stance. He’ll try to get you to rehearse what happened. When he does, say out loud, “No! That’s been forgiven. I resist you, devil. Now, go!”

    Once you’ve forgiven, speak and act in accordance with that decision. Refuse to say anything negative about anyone who has hurt you. Refuse to rehearse in your mind or with your mouth the hurt they have caused you. Instead, look for opportunities to bless them both in word and in deed.

    Don’t be moved by what you feel. Forgiveness isn’t an emotion—it’s an act of your will. And when your will lines up with the will of God, heaven’s choice blessings are yours!

When you use this 3-step plan for total forgiveness, you’ll go free once and for all! That person or group of people who did you wrong will hold no power over you ever again. As you continue to practice these steps in your life, you’ll find you won’t have trouble forgiving anyone ever again. That’s when you’ll see breakthrough in every area of your life!

Watch Gloria Copeland teach how forgiveness opens the door for you to live in total freedom.

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