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A Daily Plan to Draw Near to God

A Daily Plan to Draw Near to God

With work, raising kids, running errands and paying bills, even just a quiet time can feel like a challenge. So, how can you draw near to God? Check out this daily plan to help you get on your way.

“Therefore, brothers, since we have confidence to enter the holy places by the blood of Jesus, by the new and living way that he opened for us…let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, with our hearts sprinkled clean from an evil conscience….” Hebrews 10:19-22 (ESV)

Drawing near to God is the heart’s desire of most Christians. Yet, with work, raising kids, running errands and paying bills, even just a quiet time can feel like a challenge. So, how can you draw near to God on a daily basis? Here are three simple ways to draw near and develop the relationship with Him you’ve always wanted.

  1. Thank Him: “Enter His gates with thanksgiving; go into his courts with praise. Give thanks to him and praise his name” –Psalm 100:4.

    When we thank someone in the natural, we think of it as a nice and polite thing to do. But, that’s not all it is when it comes to God. It’s so much more than that—it’s POWER. Why? Because God says He inhabits the praises of His people (Psalm 22:3). What does that mean? It means that when you praise Him, His presence descends upon you, overtakes your circumstances, anoints you with revelation and supernatural wisdom. Glory to God! It’s a power we NEED in our lives.

    And, this is something you can easily work into your daily routine. You can praise and thank God in the shower, in your car, while you’re combing your hair. You can thank Him when you wake up, when you go to sleep. Praise is more than a prayer or a formality—it’s a lifestyle.

    Here are a few ways that thanking God each day will change your life and help you draw near to Him:

    • It brings God on the scene
    • It puts your challenges into perspective
    • It focuses your mind on the Word, instead of the world
    • It strengthens your faith.

    Praise and thanksgiving are weapons against the enemy. That’s why the devil tries to keep you feeling down, complaining, full of self-pity. All those things weaken your joy and your faith—which is your strength. Want to shut the enemy down? Start praising and thanking God.

  2. Read His Word: “Your word is a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path” –Psalm 119:105.

    You’re already saying, “I know. I know. I’ve heard this before.” But hearing something again and again is what helps revelation come. Yes. You’re going to hear powerful men and women of God repeat this again and again—because it’s importance cannot be overstated.

    God’s Word works.

    Do you need healing in your body? The answer is the Word. Do you need a miracle in your finances? The answer is the Word. Do you need a relationship restored? The answer is the Word. And…it’s how you draw near to God. He is the Word and the Word is God. If you want to know Him—really know Him—you will find out everything you want to know in His Word.

    You cannot draw near to God without spending time in His Word. It’s a living document—and it was written personally for you. In fact, you will see revelation pop out of the pages that seems to be directed at you and exactly what you’re going through in the moment! That’s how you begin to feel close to God—drawing near to Him through the power of His Word.

  3. Obey Him: “If you love me, obey my commandments” –John 14:15.

    Obedience is no small thing. In fact, God is straight to the point in this verse—if you love Him, you’ll obey Him. When you desire to draw near to God, you will begin to have a deep desire to obey Him in all things—not just those you find convenient. You’ll dig into the Word and when you see an area where you’re missing it, you’ll want it fix it—fast.

    When you begin to walk in total obedience to God and His Word, you will begin to see circumstances change in your life. Things you’ve been desiring for, hoping for, praying for will come to pass.

    Don’t turn your blinders on—be sure you have eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart that receives correction and moves quickly into obedience. It may not be something big in your eyes, but the smallest areas of disobedience can often be the ones that hold you back the most.

    So draw near to God by obeying Him daily. Listen for His still, small voice and obey the instructions He gives in His Word, and in your inner witness. You’ll move to higher levels of faith in God!

When you make a daily habit of thanking God, reading His Word, and obeying Him, you will be well on your way to drawing nearer to God and achieving new levels of victory in your life. He is calling you today to draw near. Will you answer?

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