A Declaration to Enter Into the Circle of BLESSING

Are you in the circle? Psalm 34:7 tells us that when we put our relationship with God first place, we will live in a circle of BLESSING that no demon can penetrate, no worldly situation or circumstance can overcome, and no enemy can break down.
THE BLESSING outlined in Deuteronomy 28 says that our enemies will flee before us. That means no enemy can stand before us. It also declares that in that circle of BLESSING, sickness and disease of any kind do not belong—they’re under the curse!
In God’s circle of BLESSING, we live well. Our bodies are blessed. Our children are blessed. Our relationships are BLESSED. Even our property and possessions are BLESSED.
Life is good in God’s circle of BLESSING. But being born again doesn’t automatically take you there. Faith is what gets you there, and it’s also what keeps you there.
According to Romans 10, faith has to be in two places—in your heart and in your mouth. Your protection is the same. You have to say of the Lord He is your Refuge. You have to take refuge in Him. You have to exercise your faith for these things based on what you see in the Word of God.
Those who would stay and abide in the shadow of the Almighty are the ones who will say, “The Lord is my Refuge!” They make the Lord their Refuge, and they won’t be talked out of it.
You can do the same. Here is a declaration to enter into the circle of BLESSING. You can speak it in faith every day!
I’m living in God’s circle of BLESSING. Whichever way I turn, there is BLESSING. I have a circle of BLESSING around me. Everywhere I go, that circle goes with me. It’s not in circumstances. It’s around me. Where I go, THE BLESSING goes. It’s in my heart, in my relationship with the Lord.
I believe God. I walk with God. I expect God to do great and mighty things. I obey God. He is No. 1. I seek Him first. I listen to Him first.
Thank You, Lord, for delivering the people of God. Thank You that no harm shall come to us. I plead the blood of Jesus over me and over my loved ones. I thank You for protecting our homes and our families.
Thank You for every time You delivered us when we didn’t even know we were in danger. Thank You for those times that we knew we were in trouble, and You brought us out.
We abide under the shadow of Your wings, Lord, under the shadow of the Almighty. We trust in You. We say, “You are our Refuge and our Fortress, our God, and in You do we confidently trust.”
To You be all the glory, Lord. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.
Psalm 91 says, “I will say of the Lord….” That means those who are qualified to be in His circle of BLESSING and protection will speak it! Begin speaking this declaration to enter the circle of BLESSING, and rest in the secret place of Almighty God!
Watch Gloria Copeland and George Pearsons teach you about God’s protection against evil.