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A Prayer of Repentance for Making Others Your Source

A Prayer of Repentance for Making Others Your Source

At the 2020 Southwest Believers’ Convention, Keith Moore shared a powerful word about trusting in God ALONE. Supernatural things happen when we release our faith in man, and turn all our hope and trust to God as our ONLY Source!

At the end of this session at the convention, a man sitting in on the teaching prayed a prayer of repentance for putting his trust in things other than God. Within minutes, things in his life started happening—supernatural provision and breakthrough.

You can experience the same shift in your own life when you repent for looking to man—even if that man is you—instead of God ALONE.

We’re sharing the prayer Keith Moore led at the Southwest Believers’ Convention immediately following this teaching, that led to deliverance and exciting testimonies. Pray this prayer of repentance for making others your source with a sincere heart, and get ready to see results.

Lord, I worship You and praise You. I glorify You. Father God, forgive me for ever looking to people or relying on the arm of flesh or trusting in man, regardless of the form. I repent right now for making others my source instead of You. Today, I put my eyes only on You. You alone are my Saviour. You alone are my Provider. You alone are my Healer and my Protector. I trust in You. From this day forward, I’m depending on You alone. I am relying on You ONLY. Thank You for showing Yourself strong on my behalf. Let everything in my life be seen and done in such a way that You are the most seen, most exalted and most glorified because You are worthy, worthy, worthy.

Thank You, Lord, for meeting my needs. Thank You for doing far and away above what I could ever do on my own or with another man’s help.

Give me the grace to live out a life of trust in You all the days of my life.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

When you pray this prayer of repentance for making others your source, you’ll notice a sense of freedom wash over you. It is so liberating when you actually become completely dependent on God alone, and you are no longer dependent on anyone else. It sets you free!

Watch as Keith Moore teaches on making God your only Source.

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