How to Lose Weight God’s Way

If you’ve struggled to lose weight and keep it off, you know it isn’t just as simple as trying the latest diet. Being fit and healthy is God’s will for you. So, don’t give up! If you’re ready to lose weight God’s way and become healthy for His service, try these simple tips to help you reach your goals.
Take back your temple.
Your body is not your own. You were bought with a price—the precious blood of Jesus. God calls your physical body His temple (1 Corinthians 6:19), and He has given you stewardship over it. To do this, you must honour God with the decisions you make each day. Honour Him by choosing life-giving foods for your body. Honour Him by exercising His temple and keeping it strong. You can take back your temple from years of poor eating and exercise habits; and enjoy strength, energy and a healthy weight!
Break food addiction for good.
It isn’t something the Church talks about much, but the truth will set you free (John 8:32). Gluttony—or overeating—is sin. In fact, the drunkard and the glutton are mentioned together in Proverbs 23:20-21. According to Dr. Don Colbert, people become addicted to sugar, carbs and starches, which are all proven to cause disease in the body.
How can you break food addiction?
You can break food addiction with the help of the Holy Spirit. Lay poor food choices on the altar. Ask God for supernatural help to walk away from them and overcome addiction. Use the fruit of the spirit—self-control—and say no. If you are getting ready to attend a social function, visualise yourself ahead of time saying “No, thank you,” when offered something unhealthy.
Click here to get Dr. Colbert’s Confession to Overcome Sugar Addiction.
Dr. Colbert suggests 1,500 calories per day for women and 2,000 calories per day for men, when trying to lose weight. So, be sure your calories aren’t exceeding these amounts.
No matter what challenges you’ve faced in your past, you can be free of food addiction!
Renew your mind.
You may have grown up having dessert every day, or in a house full of junk food. It may seem like a normal way of life to you. But, if you really want to lose weight and become healthy for God’s service, you’ve got to renew your mind to the truth in His Word. Make a study of His Word part of your weight loss plan. When you begin to renew your mind to how God sees you, you won’t want to turn to food for comfort anymore.
Then, speak the Word over your weight loss. We overcome the devil and any obstacle by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony (Revelation 12:11). So, don’t speak against your weight loss!
Don’t say:
- “I have bad genes—my whole family is overweight.”
- “Every time I lose weight, I just put it right back on.”
- “I just love junk food.”
- “No matter how hard I try, I just can’t lose weight.”
- “This is just who I am.”
Do say:
- “I break every generational curse coming against my weight loss right now in the Name of Jesus!”
- “I am going to lose this weight for the glory of God!”
- “Thank You, God, that I am losing weight. Thank You that I’ve lost 5 pounds.”
- “I take authority over food addiction right now in Jesus’ Name!”
- “My body is the temple of God, and I commit to get it fit for work in His kingdom!”
Reduce sugar intake.
Dr. Don Colbert shared on a BVOV broadcast the dangers of sugar and its role as fuel for major diseases like cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer’s. It is also the main cause of weight gain in America! Sugary foods and drinks have no nutritional value and only cause harm to your body. To lose weight, reduce sugar intake significantly. You’ll not only lose weight—you’ll have more energy!
Have your thyroid checked.
God has given us the blessing of wise counsel among His people. Dr. Colbert recommends having your thyroid checked if you are having trouble losing weight. He strongly encourages believers to seek out a physician who will test all areas of the thyroid—especially the Free T3—and not just use the basic thyroid test. He also recommends finding a doctor who will prescribe natural thyroid, such as Nature-Throid or Armour. If you’ve followed the first four steps, and still can’t lose weight, this may be the cause. The following are symptoms of a sluggish thyroid, according to Dr. Colbert:
- Cold hands and feet
- Feeling tired all the time
- Losing the last third of your eyebrow
- Dry skin
- Constipation
- Weight gain
When you take back your temple, break food addiction, renew your mind, reduce sugar intake and have proper testing, you’ll be well on your way to losing weight God’s way! You were meant to walk in total victory over your weight and your health. Take these steps and expect to have the best years of your life!
To learn more about health from Dr. Colbert, be sure to watch these broadcasts.
Disclaimer: You must not rely on the information on this website as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you have any specific questions about any medical matter, you should consult your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. If you think you may be suffering from any medical condition, you should seek immediate medical attention. You should never delay seeking medical advice, disregard medical advice, or discontinue medical treatment because of information on this website.