How to Respond When God Gives Correction or Instruction

You’ve heard from God. Maybe it was while you were praying or listening to someone preach the Word—or perhaps it was while you were getting ready for your day. He spoke to you and corrected you or gave you an instruction. And because it came from Him, you know it’s important.
Whenever God speaks, you know to listen because obedience is the key to promotion, breakthrough and manifestation. Yet the question remains: Now what?
You can feel confident in knowing how to respond when God gives correction or instruction. Here’s how.
When God Gives Correction or Instruction, Don’t Take It Lightly
It seems obvious, but what God says isn’t always easy to take. Many people don’t want to hear that they have an area to fix—they just want to focus the blame on the devil. And God’s instructions? If you’ve been walking with the Lord very long, you know they aren’t always within your comfort zone.
What should you do? Don’t take God’s correction or instruction lightly.
The key here is to not shrug God’s correction or instruction off out of insecurity over your shortcomings or fear of taking a leap of faith. Ignoring the correction or instruction will only do one thing: Slow. You. Down. And that breakthrough you need? It will stay on pause.
Instead, take God seriously. He’s trying to help you push fast forward on your manifestation. That’s why Psalm 23says His rod (correction) and His staff (instruction) will comfort you.
It isn’t always fun to hear that you missed the mark—that you have pride to deal with, anger to control, or patience that needs refining. The more you mature as a Christian, the more you’ll learn to value correction—even look for it—because you’ll know its purpose and end result is for your good and advancement.
Take everything you hear from God seriously—don’t brush it off. It will get you on the fast track to victory, and that’s well worth any momentary discomfort!
When God Gives Correction or Instruction, Pray About It
God has bought something to your attention, and you are eager to get it done. But don’t jump the gun—pray about it first.
When God corrects or instructs you, He is calling you to begin what may be a process. You respond to Him by doing the following:
- Repent. Ask Him to forgive you for missing the mark.
- Ask Him to help you as you move forward to change in the area He’s highlighted.
- Thank Him for loving you enough to correct you and help you grow closer to Him.
If it’s an instruction He’s given, you need to ask Him to show you how He’d like you to move forward—don’t just cannonball in. Faith doesn’t hesitate, but it also waits for the Master to give the next command. His instruction may require an instant response, or it may call for further information. Either way, stay at your post with expectancy.
When God Gives You Correction or Instruction, Respond to It
Once God has spoken to you—either with
correction or instruction—don’t assume He’s going to do all the work! In speaking to you, He’s expecting you to respond.
If it is correction:
- Keep the area of correction at the forefront of your mind. For example, if you have been corrected about having a critical spirit, be more mindful of the words you speak and the emails or texts you send. Ask yourself, “Am I being critical? Can I say this in another way?”
- Don’t beat yourself up when you miss it. It takes time to form a new habit! If you didn’t know you were behaving pridefully, for example, it has probably become a habit you weren’t even thinking about. You may miss it five times a day for a while, but as you keep working with the Lord, it will become fewer and fewer until it supernaturally disappears.
- Keep at it! Don’t give up and say, “That’s just how I am,” or “I don’t think I’m all that bad.” Keep pressing in and believing for change. It will come.
If you received an instruction:
- Did God tell you to sow a significant seed? You know, the kind that makes your mouth drop open? Find out where He wants you to sow, pray and believe He will provide, and sow the seed.
- Did He tell you to move to another location? Start small and step out by looking at real estate and researching the area. Allow Him to speak to you as you put feet to your faith.
- Seek counsel. Proverbs 15:22 says, “Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed” (NIV).If the instruction involves big life decisions, it may be wise to sit down with your pastor or those who are spiritually mature and inquire of them. God may speak through them with additional wisdom or guidance.
Hearing from the Lord is one of life’s greatest blessings, so knowing how to respond when God gives you correction or instruction will strengthen your relationship with Him. He wants you to have the desires of your heart. Let Him help you. Listen, pray, respond and get on the road to victory!
Watch Gloria and Kellie Copeland talk about the blessing of correction and the resulting freedom.