3 Simple Tips for Finding Your Calling

Your calling is God’s special plan for your life. Whether you realise it or not, you were born for a high calling God has tailor-made to fit just one person—YOU. It’s not something He thought of yesterday or last week, or when you found out about it. You came out of your mother’s womb with that calling already on your life, and He has been preparing you to stand in that place all your life.
You may already know your calling—whether you’re called to be a doctor, teacher, businessman, homemaker or pastor—but maybe up until now, you haven’t discovered how to get there.
Or, perhaps you’re uncertain as to what the Lord has in mind for your calling. Just because your father, grandfather and great-grandfather were pastors doesn’t mean that’s your calling. Be careful not to let the traditions of men or the callings of close relatives cloud your own purpose and rob you of your own true calling.
If you’ve always wondered what your high calling on this earth is, now is your time to find out. Use these three simple tips for finding your calling.
Commit to Three Days of Prayer
Kenneth Copeland often recommends that you commit to three days of prayer when seeking an answer from the Lord. He personally sets aside three days, during which time he prays about nothing other than the issue before him. More importantly, he spends time listening. He says he always receives the answer when he does this.
What is he doing? He’s pressing.
In Philippians 3:14, Paul tells us he does the same: “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus” (KJV).
To press spiritually is to press yourself into God’s service—going forward with energetic or determined effort. That’s the way you press in the spiritual realm—with determination. As you do, follow the instructions found in Colossians 1:9, and “ask God to give you complete knowledge of his will and to give you spiritual wisdom and understanding.” You may even want to include a time of fasting. (Learn more about fasting HERE.)
God wants you to know your calling, so you can go forward in it with all confidence. God will be faithful to reveal it to you as you press into Him by prayer.
(Get more great prayer tips when you watch VICTORY!)
Walk in the Will of God
Psalm 139 speaks of God’s amazing love for each of us personally. It also emphasises the importance of staying on the path He has for us—staying in His will. Not only does that mean following the individual plan He has for each of us, but it also means obeying the instructions He’s already give us in His Word. If we aren’t obeying God’s Word and endeavouring to walk in His will, how can He trust us to obey Him in our calling?
Some people want to jump into their calling when they haven’t yet mastered things like forgiveness, walking in love and humility. There are training grounds that come ahead of your calling that are not only there for your protection, but for those whom you’re called to impact down the road. There is no higher calling than walking in love. That’s how Jesus flows out of you to other people.
Second Peter 1:10 says, “Work hard to prove that you really are among those God has called and chosen. Do these things, and you will never fall away.” When you get in line with the Word and walk in the will of God, that’s where you’ll find your calling.
Take a Spiritual Gifts Test
There are many wonderful tools available to help Christians uncover some of their spiritual gifts, and these tools include spiritual gifts tests. While it’s imperative to seek God first in prayer to hear what He says about finding your calling, you can confirm and enhance your understanding of what He says through a spiritual gifts test.
Consider trying one or two different types of spiritual gifts tests (hard copy, online or both) to see where the results fall. Approach this tip with prayer, and preferably under the guidance and counsel of a spiritual mentor or pastor.
These three simple tips for finding your calling will give you clarity and confidence for the specific plan and path God has for you. Once you discover your calling, you might not see how you can walk in it or how you can fulfil it, but that’s OK. God doesn’t expect you to know how. He expects you to let Him do it through you. So, when God calls you to something, never say, “I can’t do that.” Instead, just say, “I will,” and let God do the doing. He’ll make you able.
And no matter what, be sure to stay in the flow of your calling! Don’t deviate or take on a role that doesn’t fit. Your calling is the safest and most blessed place you could ever be!
Watch Kenneth Copeland and Marilyn Hickey share why staying in the process is how you win!