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3 Ways to Live Supernaturally


Did you know that faith is a tangible force? It’s like an invisible shield surrounding you that is working on your behalf all the time. However, what your faith is working for is completely up to you. If you set your faith on the Word of God, and make it the final authority in your life, then you will experience His goodness in all areas of your life. In fact, it’s the key to living supernaturally, where you are worry-free and victorious all the time. When your faith is set to what God says you can have, you can overcome every circumstance (1 John 5:4; Mark 11:22-24)!

Dive into the following Three Ways to Live Supernaturally, so you can learn how to use your faith to conquer every situation and claim every victory.

No. 1: Live Supernaturally in Your Finances

Did the Lord create you to fail? No, not at all. He created you to walk in victory! Not some of the time; not most of the time; but all of the time!

You may be thinking, Well, these bills don’t look like I’m winning. That’s exactly what the devil wants you to think. He wants to keep your attention on what is happening around you, distracting you from the Word and your victory. Don’t fall for his tricks.

Gear up your faith and respond to lack and poverty with the Word of God. When you align yourself with the Word, you will overcome those bills that need to be paid and any other lack you may be facing (Matthew 6:33). Your faith will start working on your behalf 24 hours a day to bring God’s promises into your life. Faith doesn’t look at the limitations around you; it only looks at God’s unlimited abundance and your rightful access to it as an heir of Jesus (Philippians 4:19; Romans 8:17).

Speak this confession over your finances today: “Father, according to Your Word, I stand strong in my faith, and as a tither and a giver, I am ready to receive from You. Thank You for providing exceedingly and abundantly, above all that I could ask or think. Thank You that You meet all my needs according to Your riches in glory by Christ Jesus and for multiplying my seed sown so that I may give into every good work. In Jesus’ Name. Amen!” (Deuteronomy 28:1-14; Ephesians 3:20-21; Philippians 4:19; 2 Corinthians 9:10)

No. 2: Live Supernaturally in Your Health

You are a new creation in Christ. You are not just redeemed or reformed; you have been completely remade in His image (Ephesians 2:10). That means He’s recreated you to have all that he has. Have you ever heard of God being sick? No, of course not! Since He doesn’t have sickness, you don’t have to have it either. You can live healthy and whole, just like the Lord originally intended. As Kenneth Copeland says in accordance with Isaiah 53:5, “You are not the sick trying to get healed. You are the healed, and the devil is trying to take your health away from you..” The next time any type of sickness tries to come on you, even if it’s just a sniffle, remember you are born of God and do not have to accept that illness. The Lord has empowered you to rebuke it and speak the Word over your health.

Speak this confession over your health today: “Sickness and disease, I command you to leave my body now. According to Isaiah 53:5 and 1 Peter 2:24, I am healed and whole. I was bought and paid for by the precious blood of Jesus, and He bore all my sickness and diseases. He carried my sorrows, so I receive healing now. Jesus is my Healer! Lord, I give You all the praise for providing everything I need to walk in wholeness. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.” (Isaiah 53:4-5; 1 Peter 2:24; Galatians 3:13; Matthew 18:18)

No. 3: Live Supernaturally in Your Relationships

As Christians, our most important relationship is with Jesus, and all our other relationships fall into place after Him. Why? Because our relationship with Jesus dictates how we love and respond to others (Romans 8:7-10). In fact, our relationship with Jesus directly influences what kind of relationships we have with our friends, family and even our spouse. If we’re walking in Love, we’re less likely to over-react when someone else gets upset or offended. And we’re more likely to be open to hearing Jesus tell us if He wants us to walk away from a friend who may no longer be supportive of our walk with God (2 Corinthians 6:14). Making Jesus our most important relationship sets up our other relationships to flourish, and it draws kind, caring and supportive people into our lives.

Speak this confession over your relationships today: “Lord, I thank You that I have the mind of Christ and walk with wise friends. I thank You that I am a friend who always loves, and my friends and I sharpen each other in You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.” (1 Corinthians 2:16; Proverbs 13:20, 17:17, 27:17)

When you put these three ways to live supernaturally to work in your finances, health and relationships, the devil flees, blessings overtake you, and impossibilities become realities!

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