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A Prayer for Rebellious Children

A Prayer for Rebellious Children

There is a battle for our children. The enemy is after them, and some have fallen prey to his schemes. It can start small and subtle, or it can come on fiercely and quickly. The spirit of rebellion is one way the enemy seeps in almost undetected, causing hurt, confusion and often serious damage. While some instances of rebellion are more serious than others, the truth remains the same—your children need your prayers.

Whether your children are young and still at home or adults you haven’t seen in years, one thing is true—they need you. No matter how difficult the situation may seem, never give up on your children. Now is the time to take up your armour and fight the good fight of faith. Begin today with this prayer for rebellious children.

Father, in the Name of Jesus, I praise You and thank You that You are a good God. Thank You that You love me, and that You love my son/daughter. Father, I thank You for giving me the honour and privilege of being _____’s parent. You knew him/her before he/she was born. You knit my child together in the womb, and You had great plans for his/her life before it had even begun.

Lord, You know the trials that I have faced in watching my child go against Your Word, making poor and damageing choices. I ask today that You heal my heart and renew my strength to stand for my child in Jesus’ Name.

Your Word says You will pour out Your Spirit upon my offspring and Your blessing upon my descendants. So, I declare by faith that my child hears the voice of Your Spirit and the voice of strangers my child will not follow.

Father, right now, I repent of any rebellion in my own life, and I ask You to forgive me and show me any areas where rebellion exists, so that I can root it out of my life forever with Your supernatural help.

I know that the spirit of rebellion is a demonic spirit and has no right and no place in my child. So, by the authority You have given me, through Christ Jesus, I command every wrong spirit, including the spirit of rebellion, to leave my child right now in the Name of Jesus’. No weapon formed against ______ will prosper, I send angels to take charge over my child, I plead the blood of Jesus over _____, and I declare Psalm 91 protection over him/her. I break every stronghold right now in Jesus’ Name.

Satan, you cannot have my child! I resist you! Now go!

Lord, I know it is Your will for _______ to come into the family of God, to love You, serve You, and find peace, joy and happiness all the days of his/her life. I thank You for lifting the veil from my child’s eyes, for convicting __________, that his/her faith will not fail him/her, and bringing him/her to a broad place.

I thank You and praise You that he/she will come home from the distant land of the enemy and return to You.

In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Pray this prayer for rebellious children, and keep on believing for your child, dear parent. Keep praying and keep standing. Expect to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. He is your strength, your strong tower, your hope. Though your child may seem far away, he or she needs you more than you may ever know.

Scripture References: Deuteronomy 28; Jeremiah 31:16-17; Psalm 18:16-19; Luke 22:32; John 10:27

Watch Gloria Copeland and Billye Brim teach you how to stop the enemy from working in your family.

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