A Prayer To Find Your Wealthy Place

Each of us is called to a wealthy place.
It’s a place where we enjoy the prosperity God has in store for us financially, emotionally, physically and in every other way. It’s a place God has set aside for us to both enjoy and sow from. While we are all called to abundance, God has a specific assignment for each of us to fulfil — places we’re called to sow, ways in which we’re called to minister. To walk in the fullness of your calling, you first must find what Psalm 66:12 calls your “wealthy place.”
If you’ve been wandering in the wilderness, it’s time to get to the promised land He’s set aside for you. To begin your journey, we’ve put together a prayer to find your wealthy place, to get you on your way.
Father, in the Name of Jesus, I thank You that You have set aside a wealthy place just for me. Thank You that it is full of every good thing and overflowing with abundance.
God, I want to walk in the fullness of my calling — to go where You want me to go, give where You want me to give, and minister where You want me to minister. I’m asking that You reveal my wealthy place to me. Show me how to get where You’ve called me, and when I arrive, equip me to walk in it in a way that is pleasing to You.
Lord, if I have missed it in any area, I ask that You reveal it to me, so I can repent and move onto the right path. I desire to live upright, obedient and pleasing to You. I ask that You help me to strengthen my faith for big things because You are not the God of the possible, but of the impossible — the things that seem over and above what I could ever experience.
Help me guard my heart from pride, fear, greed, complaining and unforgiveness. I know these things open the door for the devil to rob me of what You’ve set aside for me in my wealthy place. Help me to put Your Word first place in my life and to never, ever compromise on even the smallest thing.
I thank You for Your goodness toward me, and I give You all the praise and glory.
In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
When you pray this prayer in faith, you are opening the door to hear from God as He directs you to your wealthy place in Him. Step out in faith. Ask big and believe big. Your promised land awaits!
Listen in as Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons teach you why prosperity is God’s will for you.