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The Right FIRST WORDS for 3 Scenarios

The Right FIRST WORDS for 3 Scenarios

Your FIRST WORDS. They matter.

And they often determine your outcome—good or bad.

You may have resolved to respond in faith in the face of your very next challenge, but do you know what kinds of things to say?

Of course, you want to always inquire of the Holy Spirit in the moment for the perfect words to say, but it is good to study the WORD and be prepared. To get you started, here are The Right FIRST WORDS for 3 Scenarios that will give you some general guidance if you face a trial in any related area.

  1. If You Feel Symptoms of Sickness or Receive a Negative Doctor’s Report

    If you wake up with symptoms of a cold or any other sickness, you have a decision to make right there in that moment. Are you going to speak sickness or healing?

    Some people feel like they are lying if they speak that they are well when they feel run-down. But there’s a big difference between facts and the TRUTH. The fact is you feel symptoms. The TRUTH is that by the stripes of Jesus you were healed.

    The same is true with a doctor’s report. A piece of paper with lab results can say one thing, but according to Jesus, “It is finished!”

    You’re not denying the facts; you deny that any sickness or disease has a right to live in your body.

    So, when you have symptoms or a negative doctor’s report, be sure your FIRST WORDS line up with God’s Word, not with what you’re seeing in the natural.

    Say, “Glory to God! I’m healed! Thank You, Jesus!” And keep saying it. Keep praising God for supernatural health and healing. Keep speaking His Word. Speak Galatians 3:13: “I have been redeemed from the curse!”

    Your FIRST WORDS will set the right spiritual laws in motion.

  2. If You Are Laid Off From Your Job

    You weren’t expecting it, and it hit you out of nowhere. A layoff under any circumstance can feel like a punch in the gut. A flood of emotions rushes in and tempts you to say all the wrong things.

    But you don’t because you know the power of FIRST WORDS.

    Instead, like the Shunammite woman, you say, “It’s OK. All is well. And everything is going to be all right.”

    You refuse to move into offence or speak doubt-filled words. Instead, you speak the Word of God, and you speak it all day. You never speak anything contrary.

    You say:

    • “My God will supply all my needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19).

    • “I seek the Lord, and those who seek the Lord do not lack any good thing. A job is a good thing and I will not lack for a job!” (Psalm 34:10).

    • “I refuse to fear. I’m staying in faith that my God is a good God, and He is the Giver of all good and perfect gifts. Fear is from the devil, and I resist fear right now in Jesus’ Name!” (James 1:17; 4:7).

  3. If a Relationship Is in Trouble

    If Satan attacks a relationship in your life with strife, your FIRST WORDS matter. The devil will try to tempt you into offence and bitterness, and try to get you to focus on your own hurts to keep you from receiving victory.

    You have to fight the urge to speak wrong words and determine to speak faith-filled first words that have power—words of love, forgiveness and healing.

    You say:

    • “I refuse to be offended. No matter what anyone has said and done, I will not hold onto unforgiveness. I forgive those who have done me wrong. I love them just as God loves me and has forgiven me” (1 Corinthians 13; Matthew 6:15; Mark 11:25).

    • “God is supernaturally healing my relationships even now. He is making a way where there seems to be no way. He is taking hardened hearts and turning them to flesh” (Ezekiel 36:26; Isaiah 43:19).

    • “I am strong in the Lord and the power of His might. My relationships are strong. My relationships are good and full of joy and peace” (Ephesians 6:10).

When you study the right FIRST WORDS for these three scenarios, you will be preparing yourself for victory when trouble arises. Speaking faith-filled words first will make a difference, not only in the outcome, but in the peace you experience in the process!

Watch Kenneth and Gloria Copeland share why you should continue speaking words of healing no matter what.

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