5.Apply: Make life an adventure!
Your life will become an adventure as you grow spiritually and apply your faith and God's Word to all you do.
3 Ways to Live Supernaturally
Did you know that faith is a tangible force? It’s like an invisible shield surrounding you that is working on your behalf all the time. However, what your faith is working for is completely up to you. If you set your faith on the Word of God, and make it the final authority in your…
Learn More3 Ways To Contend for God’s Prophetic Word
When someone delivers a prophetic word from the Lord to the Body of Christ, most everyone is excited and praises God for it – and for good reason. Prophecies bring the Lord’s fresh perspective and Anointing to current events and situations. They give us hope, encouragement and direction – particularly when they include a promise…
Learn More13 Ways To Tune Up Your Victory Voice
In 55 years of ministering together, Kenneth and Gloria Copeland have often been asked why VICTORY has always been such a dominant theme in everything they’ve done, even from the very beginning… The Believer’s Voice of Victory newsletter The Believer’s Voice of Victory magazine The From Faith to Faith — A Daily Guide to Victory…
Learn MoreHow To Stay Positive in a Negative World
With so much going on in the world today, it’s easy to focus on the negative. With the turn of our government toward ungodly principles, the constant fighting among citizens in society, and the continual hateful rhetoric, many Christians have struggled with discouragement during these difficult times. Most would agree, if there ever were a…
Learn MoreHow To Receive Direction From God
Vaccine mandates, the infiltration of unbiblical teaching in our schools, and the increase of violence around the country. These alone are enough reason for God’s people to press in and hear from Him about every issue, every day. Make no mistake – we do not fear – but we also do not neglect to tap…
Learn MoreHow To Stand Your Ground Against the Enemy
The devil appears to have launched a wave of attacks. COVID is trying to ramp up again. Our government has been making some crazy decisions. We are still uncovering election corruption. And on top of all that, there are the personal issues we’ve been facing. Pastor George Pearsons recently addressed this assault and instructed us…
Learn More7 Times You Should Speak Up
There is a time to speak up (Ecclesiastes 3:7). There is wisdom in knowing when to be silent and when to speak up. Even the U.S. Constitution protects each one of these in the Fifth and First Amendments, respectively. In a world that is ever ready to speak its mind, being quiet often takes more…
Learn MoreHow to Access Revelation Knowledge for Any Situation
No matter what you’re facing today, there is an answer. It may not seem like it, but it’s true. God has provided the knowledge and direction you need to come out on the other side of this better than you could ever ask or imagine. Here, we’re sharing How to Access Revelation Knowledge for Any…
Learn MoreTake a Love Checkup
Love is the way to victory. It really is that simple. Without it, there is no hope of obtaining the blessings of the Lord or living the life He intended. So, if you are going to focus on improving any one area of your life — focus on your love walk. The word of the…
Learn MoreWhat Does It Mean to “Renew My Mind”?
Romans 12:2 instructs us to, “Be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God” (KJV). “Renewing your mind” is an important part of living a successful Christian life. But if you’re new to the Christian life or new to the…
Learn MoreA 3-Step Plan for Total Forgiveness
Someone has done you wrong. Maybe it was a small offence, but boy, does it rub you the wrong way. Or perhaps it was something the world would deem “unforgivable”—an unthinkable betrayal, an assault—something that cannot be repaired, and you don’t think you can ever manage to keep it from coming to mind. It’s true—there…
Learn MoreA 3-Step Plan to Live From the Inside Out
You’ve got a situation. Something needs fixing—fast. An illness, a relationship or a financial hardship; or a decision must be made. Your first thought? What does the Internet say…(insert wrong answer buzzer sound here). Answers, breakthrough and victory can only come one way—living with a God-inside consciousness. That means being continually aware that everything you…
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