No matter what season of life you find yourself in, we each play our part in bringing the message of faith to the world. Partnership with Kenneth Copeland Ministries is about more than just giving to a ministry. It’s a covenant and a joining together in faith, and it’s being a part of something bigger than yourself. Partnership is not just about money. It connects you to what God has called you to. It connects your family to the things of God. It connects you to every blessing God wants to pour out on you.
It’s not just a financial transaction, it’s a spiritual transaction, because God has called you to it.
Just like God called people alongside Jesus and the Apostle Paul to reach the world with the good news, God calls people alongside modern-day ministries, so as many people as possible can know about the overwhelming victory and blessing they can have in Jesus!
Watch the video below from David Welsh, the KCM Australasia Executive Director as he shares on the importance of your Partnership.
Partners are individuals, and families, businesses and ministries that faithfully and periodically sow some level of financial support and prayer into Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Your Partner gift enables KCM to carry out its global mission and positions you to receive the rewards for the work, the anointings of the ministry and a grand harvest on your seed sown.
If you’re ready for a Partner in ministry, we’d like to be that Partner. Our greatest days of ministry lie ahead as we minister alongside one another … in partnership!
God has places for us to go and people for us to reach. Together we are finishing the mission to which He called the Church!