
A Call to Fasting and Prayer

A Call to Fasting and Prayer

Brother Copeland once shared a revelation on fasting he received from The LORD:

Fasting simply brings the spirit man, which is in union with the Holy Spirit, into ascendance over the flesh. Fasting is not a method of twisting God’s arm to get Him to respond when you pray. Fasting does not change God. It changes you!”

Join us for 21 days of corporate fasting, beginning Feb. 05.

Prayer Makes A Big Difference

Prayer Makes a Big Difference

Our ministry desires more than anything in this world to help you discover God’s principles to live in health, peace, joy and prosperity. This ministry is not about us; it’s about how we can come alongside you – encouraging you, strengthening you and sharing in His glory with you. It is one of Kenneth and…

Your Identity in Christ

What does having an identity in Christ mean? What Jesus did on the cross forever defined your identity as a believer—something many people wrestle with today. Jesus died on our behalf, but Galatians 2:20 shows us that when we made Jesus our Lord, we partook of what He did for us. When He was crucified, spiritually speaking, we were crucified with Him; we died with Him; we were buried and made alive with Him; we were raised up together with Him, and we were seated in heavenly places together with Him.

Renew My Mind

What Does It Mean to “Renew My Mind”?

Renewing your mind is an important part of living a successful Christian life. But, what exactly does it mean? Renewing your mind means to focus your life around making The WORD final authority over every circumstance. God’s word is alive and it the living voice from heaven. So, you can fearlessly act on the written WORD of God, just by renewing your mind.

Start Button

The Start Button

Press the start button to everything you’re believing for, and walk in manifested victory! Are you snared by a problem that is causing you to release a torrent of unbelieving, ungodly confessions? Think of your words like pushing a start button. A start button sets in motion the process by which we receive the desired end result.

Great Great Victory

‘Great, Great Victory!’

On January 18, Brother Copeland delivered a prophecy at the Eagle Mountain International Church. And the Lord said: Prophecy from Brother Copeland “There are many who have lived out their lives and will go home in 2022. And there are those who will step over to the other side and join the great cloud of…

The Secret Place

At KCM Australia, we are praying a Psalm 91 protection over you. You are untouchable because you are hidden in the secret place – sheltered in God’s covenant of protection. As the world experiences great uncertainty and fear, remember to fix your faith on Jesus, and let this Psalm wash a supernatural peace over you….

Five Scriptures to Defeat Fear

Fear has no place in the lives of believers. Sure, it tries to sneak in at every turn—your health, your family, your safety and possessions, but it doesn’t belong. Satan knows it, but he’ll always try to get you to take the bait. He’ll use things like bad reports, discouraging thoughts, a negative word from…

Things Are Changing

Prophecy delivered by Kenneth Copeland on February 16, 2014 “I know,” saith The LORD, “that the pressure is on. I know that the forces of darkness have pressed and pushed and attempted to overcome not only this nation, but are trying to overcome My people all over the world. He thinks this is his time…

Launch Operation Freedom

All over the world right now freedom is under attack. The devil is working night and day to rob us of our liberty in Jesus. When your personal freedom is under vicious attack, it’s time to launch your own “Operation Freedom” on the battlefield of life. Remember, God’s principle of freedom is in creation. God…

The Language of the Holy Spirit

Baptism of the Spirit gives you the language to confidently go before your heavenly Father with your desire to discover the deep things of God – He will give you the devil-overcoming, kingdom-destroying words to walk in the treasures of His Wisdom. What is speaking in tongues? A: God sent the Holy Spirit to give…

We Want To Pray For You!

We Want To Pray For You!

Do you need prayer? You’re not alone! Our prayer ministers will pray in agreement with you for your full victory! We believe God that as you refuse to fear, you receive by faith the promises of God, for He is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to His…

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