A Study: The Healing Miracles of Jesus

Have you heard the good news? Healing is for today! A lot of well-meaning Christians struggle to believe that God wants to heal them. They even go so far as to believe illness is part of God’s plan for their lives. It’s a lie that the enemy happily perpetuates through the Body of Christ. The Bible tells us that Jesus came to bring healing and deliverance to God’s people.

But he was pierced for our rebellion, crushed for our sins. He was beaten so we could be whole. He was whipped so we could be healed. (Isaiah 53:5)

The work and sacrifice of Jesus paid the price for our healing. To better understand this powerful work, here are four miraculous healings that Jesus performed during His earthly ministry.

Healing No. 1: Jesus Healed the Leper

 Read Mark 1:40-44.

1.  What led to the man’s healing from leprosy? What did this man do or believe?

2.  How did this man exhibit faith?

3.  What did Jesus tell the man to do following his healing?

4.  How was healing and giving connected?

5.  What is the Holy Spirit speaking to you about this passage?​

Healing No. 2: Jesus Healed the Paraplegic

Read Mark 2:2b-12.
1.  Is it any more difficult for Jesus to heal than to forgive?

2.  Whose faith moved Jesus to forgive this man’s sins? What actions did they take to act on this faith?

3.  How did the man’s healing affect those around him?

4.  What is the Holy Spirit speaking to you about this passage?

Healing No. 3: Jesus Healed the Woman With the Issue of Blood

Read Mark 5:25-34.

1.  Why are illness and poverty so often connected? See John 10:10.

2.  How did this woman take her healing?

3.  Crowds pressed into Jesus on all sides, yet He felt this woman’s touch. What made her touch different?

4.  What part did faith play in this woman’s healing?

5.  What is the Holy Spirit speaking to you about this passage?

Healing No. 4: Jesus Healed the Deaf Man

Read Mark 7:31-35.
1.  How did faith play a part in this man’s healing?

2.  Why do you believe Jesus took the man away from the crowd?

3.  Can well-meaning friends adversely affect healing from taking place? Why or why not?

4.  What is the Holy Spirit speaking to you about this passage?

These are merely a sampling of the miracles of Jesus. Let them inspire you. Take time to read, reread and meditate on these passages. Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal deeper revelation about them to you. And if you are standing in faith for your healing, we would love to stand in agreement with you. You can call the KCM Prayer Line at +61 7 3343 7777. Prayer ministers are standing by to pray with you and encourage you in the Word!

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