We are living in the last of days, and as the darkness grows darker, we see the light of God getting brighter. All around us, we’re seeing great moves of God happening throughout the world, and it is our time to take a stand for our children at school. The Great Awakening is here, and it’s for all ages. Even so, the enemy continues to target the weakest among us, our children. One of the ways we see the enemy attacking our children is through government controls in our schools. We have to push back and say, “No more!” We have to change the atmosphere of strife, criticism, fear and confusion created by this event, with our faith.
As faith-filled, blood-bought believers with a covenant with God, we can “put on God’s complete armour, that you may be able to resist and stand your ground on the evil day [of danger], and, having done all [the crisis demands], to stand [firmly in your place]. Stand therefore [hold your ground].” –Ephesians 6:13-14a (AMPC). So how do we do that?
We start first and foremost by taking our authority that’s found in the Name of Jesus, the blood of Jesus and the Word of God. Then we take four faith steps:
1. Refuse To Fear, and Stand on Psalm 91 Promises of Protection
You don’t have to live in fear! We want to bless you with a FREE resource that will help you “fear not”—no matter what’s happening around you. Click HERE to download No Fear Here by Pastor George Pearsons. This offer is free for a limited time only. Please remember to share the link with your family and friends who need to hear this message of faith over fear!
2. Use Your Authority for Physical Protection
There’s power in the blood of Jesus and in the Name of Jesus! Taking your authority for protection should be done daily. It doesn’t take long—speak a word of protection as you drive, speak Psalm 91 over your family as you head to work or run errands, plead the blood of Jesus over your children first thing in the morning when you wake. As you make it part of your daily routine, it will become second nature to you. You can take your authority every day by saying something like:
You listen to me, kingdom of darkness: It is written that I am seated at the Father’s right hand far above you (Ephesians 1:18-23), and that I overcome you by the blood of the Lamb and the word of my testimony (Revelation 12:11). So here is the word of my testimony, and here is whom you can’t go near today. I draw the blood around (name your family members), and I plead the blood over myself, too. You stay away from us! Satan, you stay away from the good works I should walk in. You stay away from my children’s school, my ministry, my church, my neighbourhood, my home, and every vehicle and building we go into. I draw a bloodline around them. I plead the blood of Jesus and the Name of Jesus over my family!
3. Invoke THE BLESSING on Your Children
In the video above, watch Pastors George and Terri Pearsons at Eagle Mountain International Church, as we invoke THE BLESSING on our children. This service will bless you as you endeavour to lead your children in the ways of the Lord. Participate with your family by following along, laying hands on your children, and praying over them as the pastors lead.
4. Constantly Feed Your Faith
At KCM, we believe, especially in today’s world, you need to know how to stay in faith and apply the Word of God to your life every day. It’s one thing to know what to do, but it’s another thing to know how and when to do it. We invite you to dig deep into the treasures of God’s Word with us, so you can put on the full armour of God, resist the devil, and after having done all…STAND.
- Watch a KCM campaign or event. Kenneth Copeland will be ministering the uncompromised Word of Faith. See a list of upcoming events HERE.
- Watch VICTORY Channel®, our 24/7 Christian television network. You will find faith-building programs from the world’s most trusted ministers, as well as VICTORY News twice daily, and FlashPoint twice weekly for prophetic commentary about current events—all in a spirit of faith.
- Visit our store for helpful books and audio teachings from Kenneth and Gloria Copeland and more, as well as videos, articles, devotions and more.
When it comes to taking our stand for our children, we are not helpless or defenceless. It’s not government control, but demon control! And demon control comes when you exercise your faith in the Word of God and its authority alone.