Seedtime and Harvest

Seedtime and Harvest

As we mature in Christ, the principle of seedtime and harvest is a familiar teaching. Our part in the Great Commission comes more and more into focus, and we experience a growing desire for impactful, Kingdom-stewardship. Ecclesiastes 3 tells us that for every purpose under the sun, there is a season. There is a time for sowing seed and a time for reaping the harvest. We sow seeds of faith, love, and stewardship into the lives of other believers. When we sow our seeds by faith into good soil, they always yield a harvest

How does partnership with Kenneth Copeland Ministries have an impact through the biblical principle of seedtime and harvest?

Seed for The Great Commission

As Jesus ascended to Heaven, He spoke to His disciples, giving them instructions on what was expected of them as witnesses of His ministry. In Matthew 28:16-20, The Great Commission was to Go! – to teach, to baptise, to appropriate the authority, and employ the authority impacted to us through His sacrifice.

That’s our mandate here at Kenneth Copeland Ministries: to mature believers in the use of their faith. Jesus commanded us to make disciples – that’s the Great Commission. So, it is our mission to sow The Word by faith, uncompromising and without ceasing – and the harvest is plenty!”

When you partner with Kenneth Copeland Ministries you are sowing into the plans and purposes of God through those He has anointed. Scripture tells us that seed is given to the sower and their resources are multiplied (2 Corinthians 9:10, AMPC). This personal and kingdom-wide harvest is promised to you! The principles of seedtime and harvest work when financial seeds are sown by faith into the ministry of God’s Word.

Reaping God’s Abundant Provision

We have been called to invest in the spiritual training and growth of fellow believers, equipping them with the tools they need to mature in their faith and fulfil their God-given purpose

As faithful stewards of God’s blessings, let us sow seeds of faith, love, and generosity into the lives of other believers, cultivating a thriving community of mature disciples who walk in the fullness of God’s promises. May we continue to sow into growing the Body of Christ, reaping a harvest of divine abundance that glorifies God and advances His kingdom on the earth. Amen.

Watch how the partnership principle of seedtime and harvest made an impact in 2023

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