Preparing the Church for Christ’s Return

Preparing the Church

As believers, we live with the expectation of Christ’s soon return. But how do we actively prepare for that glorious day? It’s not enough to simply wait; we are called to influence the world around us, ensuring the Church grows in strength, unity, and purpose. Living a life surrendered to the Lord influences those around, helping them fulfill their God-given potential and equipping them to carry out His plan.

Walking in Purpose: A Call to Action

When Jesus commissioned His followers in Matthew 28:16-20, He set in motion a powerful movement that still reverberates today. We are not just passive participants in the Church. We are called to act, to engage with others, and to lead by example. The call to “go and make disciples” is a call to live intentionally. Impacting those around us in ways that inspire and encourage growth.

Every believer has the opportunity to lead others toward a deeper relationship with Christ. Whether through a kind word, a helping hand, or a demonstration of faith in difficult times. Our lives are meant to reflect the light of Christ, drawing others to His truth.

Strengthening the Church Through Connection

The Church is strongest when its members are connected, supporting and uplifting one another. The Apostle Paul describes the Church as a body, with each part playing a crucial role in its function (1 Corinthians 12:12-27). When we invest in the lives of others, we help strengthen the entire body, ensuring it functions as God intended.

Brother Kenneth often emphasizes the importance of unity in the Body of Christ. By engaging with others, we create an environment of growth, where faith can flourish, and people can step into their God-given roles. This connectedness brings life to the Church, preparing it for Christ’s return in a way that no individual effort could.

Preparing for What’s to Come

There is an urgency in our calling. Jesus will return, and we must be ready. But readiness is not a passive state; it involves action. It means equipping others to live victoriously in their faith, just as we have been equipped.

As Brother Kenneth teaches, we are part of a larger plan—one that requires us to help others understand the power and presence of Christ in their lives. By doing so, we contribute to the collective readiness of the Church, ensuring that more people are walking in step with God’s plan when Jesus returns. Jesus Himself instructed His followers to “keep watch, because you do not know on what day your Lord will come” (Matthew 24:42, NIV), urging us to stay spiritually alert and prepared.

Living as Examples of Faith

In everyday life, we have countless opportunities to demonstrate what it means to walk in faith. From the workplace to family gatherings, we are constantly in positions to influence others through our words, actions, and attitudes. Living as examples of Christ’s love and truth helps shape the environment around us.

Kenneth Copeland teaches that our influence is powerful. When we reflect Christ in our daily lives, we create ripples that affect everyone we come into contact with. This ripple effect can change the course of someone’s life, preparing them not just for the present but for eternity.

As the Apostle Paul reminds us in 1 Timothy 4:12: “Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.”

Salt of The Earth

The Church is called to be the salt of the earth (Matthew 5:13), preserving what is good and bringing the flavour of God’s love to the world. By actively engaging with others, building connections within the Body of Christ, and reflecting the character of Jesus in our daily lives, we fulfill our role as the salt of the earth. We don’t just passively wait for His return; we prepare the way, ensuring the Church remains vibrant, unified, and influential in this world.

Let us embrace this call to be salt and light, leading others into a deeper relationship with Christ, and preparing the world for the glorious day of His return.

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