Somewhere along the way, an unspoken rule was formed that says you must always have it together. Be perfect. Never feel weary in your faith. You don’t have to pretend anymore. Sometime you needs quick fix for when you’re feeling a little worn down.
It’s time we break through the facade and discuss the reality of faith under fire, because as long as we secretly hide our struggles, the devil has a hold where he has no place. The truth is: The prophets felt it, the disciples experienced it, and David expressed it in great detail throughout the Psalms.
Feeling out of energy or tired after a long fight of faith is nothing new. Maybe you’re there now. You don’t doubt where the source of your life and victory is, yet you find yourself empty.
But one thing you must NEVER do is stay there.
Sometimes, we’re waiting for others to pull us out of our sinking feeling or even waiting on God. But 1 Samuel 30:6 (KJV) says, “David encouraged himself in the Lord.” How did he do it? He stirred himself up and stayed stirred up in God.
Here, we’d like to offer you a quick fix for worn-down faith that will fill your tank, build you back up, and get you back in the game.
Start a Gratitude Journal
Gratitude is the antidote to discouragement. If you’ve felt pressed on every side, you likely were focused on how to get the pressure off. It’s tough to focus on the good things during hard times, but it’s the only way out. It’s also something Dr. Don Colbert prescribes to many of his patients for physical and emotional healing.
A gratitude journal is a perfect place to start. Take the time to write down 10 things each morning that you are grateful for. It can be anything. Even something as simple as your cup of coffee. Then, spend time thanking God for each of them. You’ll be amazed at how much it will lift your spirit over time.
Stir Up Love Again
Kenneth Copeland recalls using this fix years ago when he says he felt spiritually dry and empty after a time of trial.
It’s easy to turn the focus on yourself when times are tough, but that’s also exactly the way to stay stuck in it. However, when you focus on giving the love of God to others, something supernatural takes place within you.
Stir up love again—start as an act of faith, rather than as a response to your feelings. There is healing power in giving love to others—healing for you! You may not feel like loving your husband, your wife, another family member, a friend or a co-worker. Don’t let that stop you.
Ask God to show you how you can love those around you and reach out to meet their needs.
Take Control With Your Words
We can take control of our own thought lives entirely by speaking to and immediately casting down wrong thoughts, and speaking the Word of God out loud to counter them. Tell Satan, “I refuse to think on your junk! I choose to believe God’s Word. I’m going to think on Jesus and the promises in His Word!”
Take control with your words. The minute a discouraging thought about your situation comes, counter it! Say, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. I may have been down, but I’m coming back up. I may have lost a battle, but I’m going to win the war. God puts me over. I am more than a conqueror, and the blessings of God are mine!”
Try the 5-5-5 Plan
To give some structure to some of the tips we’ve covered so far, you can try the 5-5-5 plan.
First thing in the morning, spend 5 minutes praising and thanking God, 5 minutes on positive confessions, and 5 minutes reading the Psalms. Only 15 minutes of your day will transform your life.
God inhabits the praises of His people, and if you’re worn down, you need Him! Positive confessions keep your thoughts in line with God’s Word, as we discussed in an earlier point. And finally, reading the Psalms will help you find your voice and learn how to praise in the weary and dry places like David did.
When you put this quick-fix plan for worn-down faith to work, you’ll be back to living in joy, peace, love and prosperity before you know it. Remember—it may take some time before you see or feel a difference, but know that you are moving ahead in the right direction. Your faith WILL be strong again!
Watch Kenneth Copeland teach you why your feelings are lying to you.