Faith In A Time of War

Ukraine Flag

Kenneth Copeland Ministries has faithfully served Ukraine since 1994. Our faith in a time of war confidently rests on the Prince of Peace, Jesus our Lord! “I, the Sovereign LORD, will gather you back from the nations where you have been scattered, and I will give you the land of Israel once again” Ezekiel 11:17

As war continues, Ukrainian residents are fleeing to safety across the border, among them are Ukrainian Jews. Kenneth Copeland Ministries and Eagle Mountain International Church have, once again, partnered with Keren Hayesod United Israel Appeal to help thousands of Ukrainian Jews with the first phase of relocating to Israel – making Aliyah.

Partnership of Aliyah

As you may recall, we helped over 120 Ukrainian Jews make Aliyah last year, KCM Partners and EMIC congregation paid for their entire trip, housing for one year, and an assimilation program. Praise the Lord!

This time, we are believing God to help on a much larger scale because the situation is much more critical. In partnership with Karen Hayesod United Israel Appeal, we are committing to help 3,000 Ukrainian Jews cross the border and prepare them to return to their homeland.

Thank you to all of our KCM Partners and EMIC congregation for your generous financial gifts. Together, we are working with God and making a difference in thousands of lives!

Watch how you’re helping fulfil biblical prophecy by bringing Ukrainian Jews back to Israel.

In light of the conflict, Kenneth Copeland recently shared a message of faith and encouragement to our Ukraine Director, Volodymyr Kolesnyk, and all our Partners and Friends in the region, whom we love dearly. If you’ve been wondering how to pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ in Ukraine and in Russia, Brother Copeland’s message below will give you prayer points of agreement and minister to your heart as well.

Agree With Brother Copeland in Prayer for Ukraine

This is the prayer Brother Copeland prays in the video:

“Father, in the Name of Jesus, I thank You, and I give You praise for a quick end to this conflict. Move Your mighty hand, cause Your perfect will to come to pass.  There are certain things I know that someone has to ask You before you may get involved in the affairs of human beings on this earth because you gave this earth to Your man Adam, giving authority to men and women.  And in the Name of Jesus, we bind the spirit of war and release the spirit of Love. 

Thank You, and we forgive as a testimony.  We forgive as a testimony to all people everywhere.  Now may His peace that passes all understanding flood your heart, flood your mind, flood your surroundings, and I bind the spirit of fear. There are many, many, many, many miracles that come out of times of war, and this will be no different.  There will be miracles on both sides. I pray for the Ukrainian leaders and the Russian leaders and the leaders of other nations that might be involved, the leaders of the United States.  And I pray all these things in the Name of Jesus and because of that Name I expect it to come to pass.”

Amen! Thank you for standing in faith and joining us in prayer for both our Ukrainian and Russian brothers and sisters in Christ.

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