Finding Your Purpose in the Lord.

Finding Your Purpose

There is a divine assignment for you. A kingdom calling that the Lord has purposed for you. As Brother Kenneth says “the plan of God was born into me because it was established before the foundation.” There is only one way to finding your purpose in the Lord: staying IN the WORD of the Lord! Everything you need to know about your divine assignment is in His Word. Every promise; every direction, every correction – it is all in His Word.

The Bible is God’s testimony of what He has already prepared for His children. It is the Father teaching His family how to operate in His thoughts and His ways so that they can enjoy all that the lordship of Jesus offers. The Bible is God speaking to you now. God’s WORD is alive. It is the living voice from heaven. You can fearlessly act on the written WORD of God, just as you would if Jesus called your name and spoke with you personally.

Adam’s Authority

Success is God’s will for you as it was intended from Eden. God gave His man authority and dominion over every living creature, including Satan: “And God BLESSED them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth” (Genesis 1:28).

Adam had the God-given ability to rule the earth. God placed in his hands unlimited power over this world. The earth was Adam’s to oversee. He was to rule the earth as God rules heaven, and by the same spiritual laws and power. Even though he was given dominion, that dominion was to be enforced according to the Father’s will. He was God’s under ruler. God gave complete authority to His man Adam, so it was Adam’s to give away.

Man’s Nature

When Adam disobeyed God, he and Eve died spiritually. The very nature of man was changed from one of righteousness, or eternal life, into one of spiritual death – from the nature of God to the nature of Satan. From that day forward spiritual death began its reign over mankind. God created Adam a righteous, eternal man, but sin separated him from his Creator.

Jesus went to the cross as your substitute, paying the price for Adam’s sin. After He was made sin, Jesus had to be born again from spiritual death to spiritual life. Jesus was made alive – or justified – in the spirit. Once again, He was the righteousness of God and, once again, eternal life was His nature. Jesus was not only a being with God’s nature and Spirit, but also the man Timothy said: “For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus,” (Timothy 2:5). Jesus is a born-again man. He came from death back into life. (This is the same new birth that the good news of the gospel still offers to any man who will accept it!)

The spiritual rebirth of Jesus restored what was lost in Eden – righteousness. He was able to present Himself before the Father, once again, the spotless Son of God. As He went, He opened the way for you to have full freedom and confidence to enter into the presence of the Father through Him. By Jesus, any man can come!

Your Purpose

Before Jenny Kutz – Brother Copeland’s grand-daughter – founded Abba House Thessaloniki in Greece she was searching for her divine assignment. Jenny went through a season of listening and relying on the Lord, many times not understanding the Lord’s “why,” when it looked different to her version of ministry and service.

Under the direction of the Lord, Jenny dropped out of bible collage at Oral Roberts University, to serve in Keith Moore’s church. But, after just nine months the Lord instructed her to move back to Texas where she worked in the EMIC bookstore waiting on the Lord. As Jenny was waiting for her next instructions, God dropped in her heart to be available – to be suitable and ready for use. Soon she was called to serve in her grandparents home as cook with no formal diet and nutrition training.

During those years Jenny began to write Abba: Finding Comfort In The Father After Your Parents Divorce. This was her first step in her ministry to the fatherless. In June 2016 Jenny and her good friend Liana opened the doors to Abba House in Thessaloniki, Greece. Children of Thessaloniki were social orphans – their parents weren’t dead or they weren’t abused; they were separated from their families because their families couldn’t afford to care for them.

Jenny went from a big family with a big ministry to a small village in Greece fulfilling her divine assignment, planted in the Word and firm in her faith. She made herself available for the Lord to fulfil His divine assignment in her – the plan God had for her before the foundation was established. The plan that was born into her.

Read more of Jenny’s story in this months BVOV Magazine

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