Engaging in the good fight of faith is essential for being fit for the Master’s use. God desires to strengthen every aspect of your life, including your marriage, finances, relationships, and more. To achieve this, you will need to be fully convinced of God’s promises and maintain a steadfast heart toward Him.
Being fit for the Master’s use requires being ready for the spiritual battle. As vessels for God’s work, we must ensure our readiness for His purposes and every good deed (2 Timothy 2:20-21). Make it a priority to become skilful and purposeful in your faith (2 Timothy 6:12), becoming fit for the Master’s service and equipped to make significant impact.”
God has called you to do great work. Prepare for every good work! Ask yourself these questions:
- Am I in shape ready for the work?
- Am I spiritually fit?
- Can God use me – am I allowing Him to prepare and train me?
A Strong Heart is Fit for The Master
Abraham’s faith was focusing on God’s promises, not his own weaknesses (Romans 4:19-25). He became fully persuaded by God’s promises. Like Abraham, we don’t live by sight, we live by faith because God is able to perform His promises when we are fully persuaded and willing to stand strong in faith.
We need to develop a strong heart – a strong unwavering faith like Abraham’s. God desires for us to walk in His promises in every area of our lives: marriage, finances, relationships and more. Psalm 27:3 tells us that David would have lost heart had he not believed he would see the goodness of the Lord.
Wait on the Lord. He will strengthen your heart (Psalm 27:14). Every coach is looking for someone with heart; someone who won’t quit. If you are weak or fearful in an area, allow God to strengthen you through His Word (Psalm 119:28). Go back and face that challenge in the strength that He provides. And don’t allow past experiences to limit your expectations. God will strengthen your heart to empower you to do what He has called you to do.”
Watch Jeremy Pearsons teach on how to be fit for the Master’s use
Walk Toward The Master’s Vision
As you walk towards the vision in faith, God will provide and strengthen your heart for the tasks He’s calling you to. As a matter of fact, what God has assigned to you requires a greater supply than you currently possess, and it’s important to trust God to reveal His plan and vision for you
Additionally, God will give you a revelation of His vision for your life, because His vision is always larger than your own. To accomplish the vision, you will need to go to God for the resources to meet the additional needs. He has no problem putting you in a place that requires faith. The only way to carry out the vision is total dependence on Him.
The vision and the supply to accomplish the vision come by faith in God. Walking by faith does not mean you don’t have any more needs. It’s not humility and it’s not faith to ask for only what you need. God’s not going to thank you for your lack of faith! Ask for a big supply and honour God! Get out of the boat of comfort and safety. Walk by faith on the strong foundation of the Word of God (Matthew 14:28-29). Find out what God’s vision is for you and begin taking steps toward it.
How do you get from here to there? Keep walking!