It’s our choice to be God-inside minded because faith works when you believe God’s WORD. God desires and has provided for all of His children to be rich. It’s available by faith. We should be blessed and operating in the good things of God all the time, giving God the praise and enjoying life to the fullest.
God provides food for your spirit, mind, and body, that is why Jesus said, “Man does not live by bread alone, but by every word hat proceeds from the mouth of God,” (Matthew 4:4). It’s your choice to have faith in God. Have faith in God! Faith doesn’t work in an unforgiving, judgemental, or unwilling heart. We all start out with exactly the same measure of faith (Romans 12:3). Every born-again child of God, everyone that’s accepted Jesus Christ as LORD and Savour, has this faith born into their inner man. If people say faith doesn’t work for them, it won’t. Their own words stop faith from working.
Faith Works When You are God-Inside Minded
The WORD of the living God is the source of our faith. God wants you to renew your mind to
become God-inside minded and to know His Spirit of power. You can be filled with all the
fullness of God—be God-inside minded to the full. The WORD of the living God is the source of our faith. Jesus said, “you shall receive power,” (Acts 1:8). John the Baptist spoke of Jesus saying, “He shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire” (Luke 3:16). Jesus will give you the Holy Ghost and His glory. God wants you to renew your mind to become God-inside minded. We need to develop a God-inside-me-now consciousness – renewing our minds to become God-inside minded.
The powerful God dwells on the inside of you and me. People are raised in this world as
outside-in people. Their source is something outside of themselves. Your body and your
spirit are one, and your soul (mind, will and emotions) are part of your spirit; and God lives
inside you! The powerful God dwells on the inside of you and me.
Use the Power of God Inside You
Your body and your spirit are one; your soul (mind, will and emotions) are part of
your spirit; and God lives inside you. The whole kingdom of god is in you. Take the limits off your faith! If you have been baptised in the Holy Spirit, you not only have God within you; you now have a supernatural way of communicating with Him that the devil absolutely cannot understand. That is outstanding1
Get into the habit of consulting God who is inside you before you make any decisions, no matter how large or how small. Ask God, and He will answer you! Pray this prayer:
Father God, Your love is so wonderful, and Your power is so great. I ask You to teach and help me to do “the greater works” that Jesus talked about in John 14:10. I want my life to be a witness for you. Thank You, Father. In Jesus’ Name, I ask. Amen.
Watch Brother Kenneth speak more on Becoming God-Inside Minded on the Believers Voice of Victory daily broadcasts