WORDS from the Lord through Kenneth Copeland for 2023: Make sure that My WORD is final authority in your life in 2023.
October 26, 2022
“There will be many that bow the knee to Baal. There will be many that bow the knee to Me,” saith The
LORD. “For the outpouring of My generosity and My goodness has begun, and will continue and go on
and on.
“For the bottom line is the freedom of My people and the true freedom of this nation. The people that raised this nation up are part of the great cloud of witnesses. They are witnessing it in the spirit—the power of the resurrection of this nation to bring it back to its original roots, and to bring it back to Me on bended knee.
This is 2023
“2023 will be as exciting as it can be. It will be the time when you will say it and the devil will flee. All around you will begin to rise up, like great mountains of victory. And you will stand strong and say, ‘God is on my side in 2023 because He is blessing me.’”
Word of The LORD through Kenneth Copeland
January 20, 2022 | Ministers Conference
“I have heard from heaven from My people, and I will get it done. It will look better, do better and be stronger than you ever dreamed it could be. THIS is 2023.”
September 29, 2022 – BVOV TV Broadcast Taping
“What about 2023? What will 2023 be like? Lots of changes. Enormous amounts of changing. A lot of the disturbances that are in the nation now will begin to be ironed out during that year, because of the major decisions that the Supreme Court has made. Once the Supreme Court here makes it, God makes it. He makes it right and turns it around.
“But 2023 will be as good as it can be because you will know the Truth and the Truth will make you free. Glory to God. You will know and understand more about this Book and its authority in our lives.”
So we rejoice in it. Heavenly Father, we thank You for the blood covenants in this Book. “Yes, it will be a year of great healings. It will be a year when whole churches will be healed and brought back to a place that they have lacked for the last five years.
“It will be year of judgment. Good judgment. I will judge things good, and it will be a year of judgment upon bad things. People who do not pay attention to what The WORD is saying, and pay no attention to My WORD and to My people—they will come to a place where it is just an act of judgment because
of the seeds they have sown. And many, many, many of them will come to pass in 2023.
“There are those that will say, ‘Glory to God, I have been corrected and now my finances are straightened out.’ And there are others who will say, ‘I do not understand why all this has happened to me, but I guess give God the praise.’ But people will begin to know and understand that VICTORY IS AT HAND when you worship Me, praise Me, and put My WORD as final authority in your life.
“You will know Me because I am the Truth. I am the Life. And I am the Way. My Father is Truth. With the two of us together in your life, Truth will become a way of life for you. It will break the bondages the devil has put in there.”
All of this will come to pass before 2023 is halfway through.