Of all the gifts we receive, the best ones come from above and there is none greater than God’s gift of salvation! Our heavenly Father has given—and continues to give—us the most wonderful gifts, and salvation is the gift that gives abundantly; This gift was given through Jesus’ birth, death and resurrection. Ephesians 2:8 tells us that “God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God.”
Jesus paid a big price to provide an abundance of blessings for us to enjoy. We receive God’s gift of salvation by faith, and by faith we receive everything that comes with the salvation of God, as well. If you’ve accepted your salvation, but have left the other goodies in the gift bag—it’s time to reach in and take them, and give God the praise He deserves. Here are the gifts just waiting to be received:
Salvation means Deliverance
Depression, substance addiction, pornography addiction, strife, hopelessness, marriage trouble, worry, doubt, fear—anything that holds you in bondage—it’s all covered by the blood of Jesus. It’s all included in your gift of salvation. You are free! There is no condemnation where God’s freedom exits. By faith, speak this confession as you meditate on salvations restoration and who you are in Christ:
“When I received Christ as my Lord I became a new creature. My old sin nature passed away. Everything in my spirit has become new. I am made the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus! The Lord removed my stony, hardened heart and gave me a new one. I am no longer a slave to sin because I have been redeemed and am made blameless in my spirit, soul and body!
“I am a joint heir with Jesus! Jesus took back THE BLESSING, and therefore THE BLESSING belongs also to me. I am made to operate in the same manner that Jesus did according to God’s Word, and THE BLESSING is made to produce the same results in my life. I’ve been sent to use THE BLESSING to bless others, and it will flow over into the lives of others around me.”
Gods Gift of Salvation is Your Victory
The Lords salvation is victorious and in it, you have the victory! You are always a conquerer – the head and not the tail (Deuteronomy 28:13) – if you’re in financial trouble, the answer doesn’t come from the outside in, it comes from the inside out. Jesus said He came to give you an abundant life—that includes total life prosperity and the blessing of material possessions. God loves you, and He wants you to eat the good of the land. Don’t leave that gift laying at the bottom of the gift bag. Open it and enjoy!
Accepting the whole gift of salvation this Christmas is your gift to God. It is an act of receiving His love. Have you ever tried to love someone who just wouldn’t love you back or would not receive the love that you offered them? There’s no joy in that. God is so full of love He offers salvation to everyone who accepts it, so we can walk with Him, talk with Him and receive His love—that incomprehensible love that God has and is. And He wants a receiver for that. He’s calling out to you today, saying “There’s more!” Will you reach back into that bag and take what He’s given you?
Watch Brother Kenneth teach on God’s redemption