“Recently I returned back from a mission’s trip with Joshua Care International (JCI) in the Philippines. JCI is a Christian based non-profit organisation dedicated to reaching out to underprivileged children and their families with loving care and concern. Our focus is on meeting the immediate needs of food, clothing and medical help whilst also providing quality education and development in sound Christ-centred life skills. JCI’s vision is to see these children reach their potential, empower them, and to be a voice for those who can’t speak up for themselves. JCI currently operates various programs in Taguig, Manila and the surrounding areas and has offices located in both the Philippines and Australia. This year we were blessed that Kenneth Copeland Ministries Australia made a commitment to Partner with Joshua Care International and the work they are doing!
Over the three weeks, we spent in Manila many tears were shed, lives were touched, heart-wrenching stories shared and new children were sponsored. Praise God! God is doing something miraculous within JCI and I am so glad that partners of KCM get to be a part of it! During the first week we visited families that lived in Calaw Dr (situated close to the JCI House) and the local graveyard. To say it was eye opening is an understatement. The need there is great, but our God is so much greater.
We took a bunch of the kids (with permission from their parents and guardians) to lunch at Jollibee (which is like McDonalds). For most of the kids it was their first time to ever eat there. The smiles on their faces said it all.
As we visited family after family, played and talked with the kids, it was as if I saw a glimpse of what heaven might be like. I felt an overwhelming sense of The Father’s love like I had never seen or felt so clearly before. As I watched these kids run around, play and laugh in the midst of circumstances and situations that are at times inconceivable to a modern western culture… I began to see just how wide, deep, and great His love is for us.
Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Glory to Him in the Church & in Christ Jesus through all generations forever and ever! Amen.” Ephesians 3.20-21
Whilst we were there we also coordinated JCI’s first ever youth camp! All the JCI Sponsor kids aged between12-18 attended the camp free of charge. God moved in so many wonderful and glorious ways over the 2 days. Besides all the great mentoring and bonding time we spent with the kids, we ran tribe camp games, obstacle courses, a volleyball tournament, zip lining plus so much more. On the second day we had a time of testimony sharing. The boys and girls split up and each person had a chance to share whatever was on their heart. I was in tears as I heard story after story of broken families and problems with drugs and other addictions. The testimony and thing that brought glory to God in the midst of it all were how they could still say that God is good and that he has a plan for their lives. We encouraged them not to underestimate God. We might not always understand the plan, but he always has a purpose…which is far greater than what we could ever come up with on our own!
JCI also conducted a medical mission for those in the local area who cannot gain medical assistance for themselves. We helped over 200 people that day, babies, children, mothers and fathers came and received Panadol, antibiotics and much needed vitamins. Babies and children were dewormed and those children with rotten teeth (some even to the gum) were brought to the dentist for treatment. The dentist was so touched by the JCI support to the local people that he gave a discounted price. Praise God!
As I sit here and write and reflect on what the Lord did, my heart rejoices at what God is doing in the Philippines through ministries like Joshua Care International and Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Through the financial support of our partners, Kenneth Copeland Ministries are able to sow into amazing ministries and organisations like JCI, to help change lives! Each seed that’s sown into this ministry goes further and reaches more people than one person could ever do on their own. When all is said and done, all that matters is LOVE so let LOVE take over. Let’s never tire of doing the work of God here on the earth together. I believe for all of us the best is truly yet to come. Never have I believed this to be truer than now.”
Eden Del Valle,
Partner Development Manager, Kenneth Copeland Ministries Australia & Board Member of Joshua Care International.