A: You’re in the midst of possessing the “land” called healing! That may sound strange, but if you’ll remember the Old Testament account of Joshua, you’ll understand why I say this. You see, Joshua was in much the same situation you and I are in today. God had told him the Promised Land had already been provided for him and his people. It was there waiting for them. But they had to go in and possess it.
In Joshua 1:3, God put it this way, “Every place that the sole of your foot shall tread upon, that have I given unto you….” Joshua and the people of Israel had to put their foot on what belonged to them if they were going to enjoy the blessing of God. The same thing is true today with healing (and every other blessing of God). If you are a believer, it already belongs to you. As far as God is concerned, healing is yours. Jesus has already paid the price for it. But for you to receive it, you have to put your foot on it. You have to go in and possess the land!
It requires spiritual strength and courage to take the land of healing. Why? Because the manifestation of healing doesn’t always come instantly. We want it instantly—and many times it comes that fast—but other times it takes longer. When you think about it, that’s not so unusual. After all, in most cases, sickness and disease do their destructive work gradually. They don’t just appear one moment—and kill you the next. They take effect over time. So it’s not surprising that healing often displaces their effects gradually as well.
Step out on the Word, take it and say, “Healing is mine. The devil is not going to steal it from me. Nobody is going to talk me out of it. It belongs to me. Today, this day, I receive my healing!” Once you’ve said that, don’t ever say anything contrary to it. Don’t be moved by time or by symptoms or by anything else. Just stay with it. Continue to take God’s medicine—the Word of God—every day and you will continually improve. I know you’d like your healing to be evident instantly. But if it’s not, don’t worry. Just refuse to give up, keep on taking the land, and your healing will come to pass. Keep the faith switch turned on!