Every day, we receive testimonies of divine healing, restored relationships, supernatural increase, provision and so much more – the blessing of helping others! That’s what happens when we all do our part.
Have you ever been afraid of God’s will for your life? For most believers, the honest answer to that question is yes. At one time or another, they’ve worried that God might ask them to spend their lives serving Him in some dark, barren place — as a missionary to a poverty-ridden village in Africa, for example, or preaching the gospel in some gang-infested inner city, or working in a sin-filled office surrounded by spiritual darkness. I just don’t think I could take that kind of life you might think. “I love the Lord and desire to please Him, but I’m just not cut out to live in those kinds of conditions.”
No, you’re not. I’m not either.
Neither is any other born-again child of God.
When God sends a believer to such a place, He doesn’t expect him to live in those darkened conditions — He expects him to change them. He expects us to overcome the darkness with the light. That’s what light is designed to do. That’s true of natural light and it’s true of the spiritual light of God. If we’ll walk in that light, it will fill the circumstances and conditions around us with the glory of God so we’re surrounded with blessing wherever we go. No matter how dark the conditions around us, “The Light shines on in the darkness, for the darkness has never overpowered it” (John 1:5, The Amplified Bible).
We are light.
The light of God’s glory is our spiritual DNA! The first thing the glory light of THE BLESSING does is free us from the bondage of sin. There was no sickness in the Garden of Eden so healing is part of THE BLESSING. THE BLESSING will also drive out poverty. It produced silver and gold in the life of Abraham and it will do the same for us. That’s the job of THE BLESSING.
He has commissioned us and equipped us to be fruitful, multiply and fill the earth with the light force of His glory. When we grasp the fullness of it, we won’t shrink back in fear when we think about God sending us into some dark, barren place. We’ll volunteer for the assignment. We’ll be eager for the chance to charge into it and set it ablaze with the light of God.
We are so grateful for our Partners who come along side us to make every changed life possible. By ourselves, we can do some good … but together, we can do so much more!
“So I give you now a new commandment: Love each other just as much as I have loved you.” John 13.34 TPT
Generous people connecting their heart & resource to advance His Kingdom!
Partners we can’t thank you enough. We couldn’t do any of this without your help – you have a significant part that you play in all of this. It’s the love of God. We pray and we do our part but there’s a significant part that YOU our partners do. You sow. You pray. You believe in this ministry and what we do. It’s the WORD of God that comes from our ministry that enables us to do what we do. The heart that this ministry has, and that you have for this ministry is the love of God.
‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’ Matthew 25.40 – that’s the blessing of helping others!