Walk In Your Anointing

Walk In Your Anointing

It can feel like you are alone in the natural realm sometimes, but God designed you to have total and complete access to untold power in your life through Jesus by faith. But He also designed us to operate and function as one body—together. We do not all have the same function (Romans 12:4-5), but our gifts all come from the same God, and when combined together, they equal great power on the earth (1 Corinthians 12).

So, if you need a healing anointing operating in your life, an anointing for increase, a prophet’s reward, or any other kind of anointing, you have a BIG family from which to access that power. When you partner with someone in ministry, you become spiritually connected to their anointing and walk in that anointing for yourself!

Would you like to enjoy the anointing and rewards of Kenneth Copeland? Here are four ways you can walk in the same anointing as Kenneth Copeland and experience more of God’s yoke-destroying, burden-removing power.

1. Connect With the Anointing

“He makes the whole body fit together perfectly. As each part does its own special work, it helps the other parts grow, so that the whole body is healthy and growing and full of love.” –Ephesians 4:16

In the Church, a lot of emphasis is placed on the importance of fellowshipping with one another and connecting with like-minded believers. But as the Body of Christ, we need to understand that we don’t have church just to have a place to hang out so we can be around people who treat us with a little respect. No, we come together as the Church for the sake of Jesus—for His cause and for what He has called us to do. We come together to connect with God’s Anointing.

No one person—not even the apostle, the prophet, the evangelist, the pastor or the teacher—has it all. No one man or woman of God has the complete manifested Anointing of God. But together, we do.

Each one of us has a God-given supply of anointing to offer the rest of the Body. You have a supply of God’s Anointing that another person needs. That person has a supply of God’s Anointing that you need, and so on. However, in order for that anointing to flow among us in its greatest potential, we must join together. We must become divinely connected. We must access the anointing exchange.


Through partnership.

God’s Word tells us that partnership in ministry is the most powerful relationship on the face of this earth. It is a covenant relationship based on the blood of Jesus. In God’s plan, partnership is all about His Anointing. It’s about getting the burden-removing, yoke-destroying power of God equally distributed among all His people. That’s exciting!

That means, whatever anointing you need in your life today, you have access to it through the Body of Christ via the anointing exchange. When you join in fellowship—partnership—with a person or ministry, the anointing that is on that person or ministry will come upon you. That’s the way God intends to distribute His Anointing throughout the Body of Christ.

The principles of partnership are the keys to our victory in the last days. They are the keys to supernatural increase and maximum effectiveness in the end-time harvest. They are the keys to the coming together of the Body of Christ in unity and full manifestation of the ministry gifts.

Once we, as believers, begin walking in the resources and power available to us through partnership in ministry, the Church will absolutely explode with power. And as we hook up through partnership to all the anointings God has deposited in and on ministries and churches, every one of us will become fully supplied…lacking nothing.

2. Be Deliberate in Pursuing the Anointing

“I thank my God upon every remembrance of you, always in every prayer of mine…for you…for your fellowship in the gospel.” –Philippians 1:3-5 (NKJV)

In Philippians 1:3-5, the word fellowship can also be translated as partnership. It describes a covenant relationship between two parties who have common interests. The purpose of their partnership, or covenant relationship, is to accomplish something that neither of them could do alone. This partnership is the act of being deliberate in pursuing the anointing.

When Kenneth and Gloria Copeland made the decision to become partners with Oral Roberts more than 50 years ago, they committed to send $10 to his ministry each month. And back then, $10 seemed like $10,000. It was a lot of money, but they knew it was something they needed to do. It was a deliberate decision they made to connect with the anointing on Oral Roberts’ life and ministry.

What happened? The anointing exchange began right away. Not even one week after they had become partners, Kenneth noticed that the same anointing to lays hands on the sick that Oral Roberts operated in began to manifest in his life. It isn’t something that just happened; it was a deliberate act of coming into covenant partnership with another man’s anointing.

Read more about your anointing and receive a prayer concerning your Spiritual Growth

If you think about it, that’s how God operated in the Bible. There was never any uncertainty about how someone received and operated in His power. Like everything else in His kingdom, it worked according to the principle of sowing and reaping.

Think about Joshua. He spent 40 years of his life at the side of Moses. Then, when Moses passed away, Joshua stepped into a higher level of anointing than what even Moses had known. Joshua reaped what he sowed, and he sowed walking in a covenant relationship, or communion, with Moses.

Elisha did the same thing. He gave up his own lifestyle to stay as close to the prophet Elijah as he could. They were connected. And when Elijah left this earth, Elisha received a double portion of Elijah’s anointing.

In the New Testament, when Jesus called His disciples out one by one, He told them, “Come, follow Me!” They responded by joining with Him. They made a divine connection by becoming partners in His ministry. As a result, the same anointing that flowed through His life and ministry flowed through theirs, as well.

The same is true today! For example, when you partner with Jerry Savelle, you are accessing the anointing exchange of favor that Jerry has on his life. When you partner with Keith Moore, you are accessing the healing anointing exchange operating in his life and ministry. Likewise, when you partner with Kenneth Copeland Ministries, you are accessing the anointing exchange of supernatural faith, prosperity and healing.

3. Receive the Reward of the Anointing

“For as is the share of him who goes into the battle, so shall his share be who stays by the baggage. They shall share alike.” –1 Samuel 30:24 (AMPC)

Do you want to receive the reward of the anointing? It doesn’t matter if you’re the one doing the preaching or if you’re the one supporting the preacher, according to 1 Samuel 30:24, the reward for the work will be the same. That’s what happened when the Amalekites had come and taken everything from David and his men—their wives, children and all their goods were gone.

David inquired of the Lord and said, “Shall I pursue?” The Lord said, “Go,” and David went. Of the 600 warriors, 400 went and recovered everything, plus took the spoils from the enemy, while 200 stayed behind to guard the camp. When the army returned with the recovered spoils, those who had fought didn’t want to share with those who had stayed behind.

It was at that crucial moment that David—a man after God’s own heart—officially established the principle of partnership. He declared that the reward would be divided equally among those who went to battle and those who stayed behind. That’s partnership, and it became an ordinance in Israel from that day.

The same is true with partnership today. If you are “back at the camp” fighting alongside a minister of the gospel through prayer and finances, God makes no distinction between the two of you. You are equal partners in the work.

You are a soldier in God’s army, just like David’s men were. Maybe you’re on the front lines of battle as an apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor or teacher. Or, maybe you’re back at the camp watching over the “stuff.” Either way, the rewards belong to you.

Watch Kenneth Copeland as he teaches on the power of joining our anointing together to accomplish far beyond anything we could ever imagine!

4. Find Your Place to Receive the Anointing

“How could one man chase a thousand, or two put ten thousand to flight… ” –Deuteronomy 32:30 (NIV)

No matter what your vocation is, God wants every gifting and anointing of the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor and teacher alive and active in your life just the same as He does in every minister of the gospel. When you find your place, you will begin to walk in the anointing exchange.

The devil’s biggest nightmare is the Church completely unified and flowing in that fullness of Jesus’ Anointing’s. That’s why he has been doing everything he can for centuries to keep the Body of Christ—the Body of God’s anointed ones—divided and disconnected from one another.

So, how can you get in position to access the anointing exchange?

  1. Find out where and how God wants you plugged into the local church. The local church is where our spiritual life is rooted and grounded. That means we need to ask God where He wants us to settle down and take root—where He wants us to connect. Once He tells us, we need to get in that local church and pour our lives into it…as though we were the pastor.
  2. Find out which ministries God wants you to join in covenant partnership. Remember, when God calls ministers of the gospel, He anoints them and gives them as gifts to the Body. That does not make them more special than anyone else. They are members of the Body of anointed ones like the rest of us. Remember, it’s an exchange—you have something they need, too!

Not a Partner with KCM? Join us today! Learn more HERE.

Once that divine connection is made, the anointing that is on the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor or teacher is released to us. We partake of their grace, or their anointing. And, likewise, whatever anointings flow in our lives will be available to them to strengthen their life and ministry.

Just think of the Shunammite woman who decided to support the ministry of the prophet Elisha. She was so determined to be a partner in his work that one day when he was passing by, she “urged him to come to her home for a meal” (2 Kings 4:8). She wouldn’t take no for an answer! But she didn’t stop there. She and her husband built a special room onto their house, so Elisha could have a place to stay whenever he was in town.

In return for their partnership in his ministry, Elisha told his servant Gehazi, “Go find out what we can do for this woman. Find out what she wants.” So, Gehazi went and checked out the situation, then came back and gave Elisha his report: “Actually she has no son, and her husband is old” (verse 14, NKJV).

Elisha then imparted his anointing to her by declaring in faith, “About this time next year you shall embrace a son” (verse 15, NKJV). Obviously, the woman did not have the faith to believe God for a child because when Elisha told her she would bear a son, she said, “No way! You may be a prophet, but you cannot be telling me the truth!” Having a child was beyond what she could ask or think.

Elisha had no trouble believing for this woman to conceive and deliver a son, and since she was due a reward and they were in partnership with one another, he simply released his faith on her behalf. By the next year, she had a baby boy in her arms. That’s the anointing exchange in action!

If you are a partner with a ministry, or multiple ministries, are you tapping into the anointing? Over the years, Kenneth and Gloria have encouraged their Partners to draw purposefully on the faith in their lives and ministry, and use it to help them accomplish those “faith projects” they encounter in life that seem just a little more than what they can believe God for on their own. And time and time again, they’ve seen their Partners get results…their rightful earthly rewards.

Maybe you are facing what seems to you a MOUNTAIN of debt. Maybe it’s more than what you think your faith can handle. Just tap into one of the many earthly privileges of partnership. If you’re a Partner with KCM, draw on the faith that Kenneth and Gloria have for supernatural debt reduction. Tap into that anointing power!

Need help with finances? Find the Profile of a Prosperous Christian here.

When you use these ways to tap into the anointing exchange, the full scope of God’s Anointing will be alive and active in your daily life. Enjoy the reward of every anointing flowing in the Body of Christ by joining your faith together to receive exceeding abundantly above all that you can ask or think. No matter how you look at it, this deal is too good to pass up. So, don’t! Get connected…and receive the anointing!

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