Ever since the Lord told Kenneth Copeland to preach the uncompromised Word of God on every available voice, proclaiming the truth of God’s Word and His unconditional love, has been the focus and mission of Kenneth Copeland Ministries. To enable us to carry out this mission, KCM have established office’s worldwide, including Australia. At KCM we have a heart for people and a vision to teach Christians! Meet some of the staff here in the KCM Australia office that serves YOU, our partners & friends…
Judith –”In my secret place! Intimacy with Our Father is where it all begins for me.
The place where I draw strength, recharge, reset and rest is in His presence. The role of a prayer minister at KCM requires me to walk in God-centred wholeness: body, mind, soul, spirit and heart so that I can serve others to the best of my ability. This is only possible when I make God first place in every area of my life. In this I can encourage and pray with others not by my own thoughts but by God’s, led and empowered by His Spirit which brings the breakthrough they are seeking! I’m up at sunrise each day in the throneroom, releasing every distraction and casting every care, and in return receiving the overflow of His grace, mercy and love so that throughout the day I am an open channel susceptible and vulnerable to His Spirit, and His mouthpiece to hear His voice of guidance and wisdom in speaking life and godliness unto others. It’s an honour to do my part for the kingdom in serving under KCM believing and declaring daily that… JESUS IS LORD!”
Lizzie – “Every morning everyone in the office watches the broadcast together. This is a good way to instantly get the word and build up our faith before the day really starts. When I get back to my office I spend time in worship and I pray over the day. I also read the Faith to Faith, as this is another way to build up my faith and be encouraged every morning. I like to make sure that my spirit is right before I start answering phone calls, letters or emails, so that I can effectively minister to people with help from Holy Spirit.
At the beginning of each week I find a bible verse that I can base a lot of prayers on, which I find extremely helpful.
As a prayer minister, I try to go into every phone call aware of what Holy Spirit is saying to me, based on Jude 1:20 where it says “Dear friends, keep building on the foundation of your most holy faith, as the Holy Spirit helps you to pray” (CEV). This helps with knowing exactly what to pray in each situation that people are facing.”
Mel – “Working here at KCM is such a blessing for me. I am fed daily on the Word and built up in the Word of God. I truly enjoy being able to share God’s Love with our partners and friends. I am constantly making a list of all the things I am grateful for and I use this list when I need encouragement and a reminder of just how good God is and his love for me. I am extremely grateful for KCM and how my life has changed due to being employed here. I have been transformed from the milk of the Word to the meat of the Word. Praise God!”
Jason – “As a new prayer minister, what I love is hearing Kenneth talk about standing on God’s Word when we pray, as God doesn’t simply respond to our needs, but He responds to His Word and His promises. So being able to always have God’s Word to stand on when we pray and see people encouraged and built up by it. I love it and personally have grown so much from the Word getting into me too!”
Boni – “Being able to watch the broadcast each morning before starting the work day really centres me, spiritually grows me and builds up my faith. I feel refreshed in the word and enabled to pray with our partners and friends.”
Tarnia – “I am humbled to be part of something that impact’s on people’s lives eternally. I start my day thanking God that He equips us to lift up others with love and so much joy as we experience His presence. To be a partner of a ministry that Jesus came for all to experience His encompassing presence, all day every day.”