Praying with Authority

Prayer with Authority

Praying with authority is the key to living in victory. Life brings many challenges, but as a believer, you are called to live in victory, not defeat! Jesus has given you divine authority to overcome every obstacle. In Luke 10:19, He declares, “I have given you authority over all the power of the enemy.” That means sickness, lack, fear, and anxiety have no power over you—unless you let them.

Kenneth Copeland once shared how he was praying for a man with a stomach condition. The Holy Spirit stopped him mid-prayer and reminded him of Philippians 2:9—that Jesus’ Name is above every name. He commanded the sickness to bow to the Name of Jesus, and healing manifested instantly​.

You have the same power! The Name of Jesus is above every name—cancer, depression, debt, broken relationships. When you speak in faith, heaven moves on your behalf.

Authority is Speaking to the Problem, Not About It

Too often, we talk about our problems instead of to them. Jesus taught His disciples to speak directly to their circumstances. In Mark 11:23, He said, “Whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt… it will be done.”

Jesus Himself spoke to storms (Mark 4:39), sickness (Luke 4:39), and even a fig tree (Mark 11:14). When Peter healed the lame man, he didn’t pray a long prayer—he simply commanded, “In the Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, rise up and walk” (Acts 3:6).

Here’s the key: Everything with a name must bow to Jesus’ Name. That means:

  • Sickness must bow – Say, “Body, be healed in Jesus’ Name!”
  • Lack must bow – Declare, “Finances, be restored in Jesus’ Name!”
  • Fear must bow – Command, “Anxiety, leave in Jesus’ Name!”

Whatever you are facing, don’t just hope for change—speak to it with faith in the Name of Jesus! Just like our Covenant Partner Joanne did when she was believing for a debt free home.

Praying With Authority Is Your Victory Today

Victory isn’t just possible—it’s already yours. Ephesians 2:6 declares that God has seated us with Christ in heavenly places, allowing us to share in His authority. The enemy wants you to believe you’re powerless, but God’s Word says otherwise!

Here’s how to activate your authority daily:

  • Believe in the power of Jesus’ Name – His Name carries the full weight of heaven
  • Declare victory boldly – Speak God’s promises over your life every day
  • Refuse to accept defeat – When resistance comes, stand firm in faith!

God did not create you to live in fear, worry, or lack. Take your place in His victory today—speak, believe, and walk in authority.

Enjoyed this article? Here’s more: Walk in Your God Given Authority & Five Ways to Put Your Angels to Work

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