Our Covenant Partners frequently sow with their heart and their hand. They have given God their “YES,” and actively participate in the kingdom mission of Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Kingdom mission work like: successfully rescuing Jewish Ukrainian refugees to Israel to make Aliyah during a season of war.
Our Covenant Partners pray for us, as we pray for them daily. That’s the exchange and flow of prayer and anointing. That’s how God designed it. That’s what Covenant Partnership is all about. Covenant Partners partner with The LORD through this ministry. Partnership is a journey of faith – it is an important part of your faith journey.
As you read and mediate on Kenneth’s prayer for our Covenant Partners, it is our prayer that you receive all that is promised:
Father, I praise You and bless You and thank You for my Partners. LORD, every prayer that’s ever been prayed by my Partners for Gloria and me and all of us at Kenneth Copeland Ministries, I thank You for it. I release my faith for them and with them in every area of their lives.
Father, I pray Your power—Your Anointing—that is in and on Gloria and me, and the corporate anointing that is in and on KCM, be in the household and the ministry and business affairs of every Partner we have. Let this anointing be on them as they minister and on them as they pray. Let it be on them in the lives of their children to remove burdens and destroy yokes, in the Name of Jesus.
Father, there are so many of them, I could not individually name each Partner’s name before the throne of grace. I would if I could. So, I’m asking You, by the Holy Spirit, to enter each Partner’s name into these scriptures that I have committed to pray over them every day of my life.
I’m asking You to enter their names into Psalm 23. LORD, You are their Shepherd. They shall not want. You make them lie down by the prospering green fields and lead them beside the still waters.
I believe You for Your peace to rule in their lives. Even though they may walk through the valley of the shadow of death, they will fear no evil because You are with them. You have prepared a table before them in the presence of their enemies. You walk with them everywhere they go.
Father, I pray Psalm 91, and I say of You, LORD, that You are their refuge and their fortress. You’re their God and in You they do trust.
Father, I pray Psalm 103 and all of its benefits for my Partners. I thank You that their iniquities are forgiven—they are completely wiped out. Thank You that sickness and disease are taken from their midst, and their youth is renewed like the eagle’s. And I thank You that YOUR angels take up their righteous cause. Hallelujah!
Father, I pray Isaiah 54:8-17 for all of my Partners. Great shall be the peace of their children; in righteousness they shall be established. They shall be far from oppression, for they shall not fear. They shall be far from terror, for it shall not come near them. Thank You, LORD, that no weapon formed against them can prosper.
Father, I pray Ephesians 1:16-23 for them. I thank You that the eyes of their understanding are opened, flooding their spirits with light of the power of You, the living God. Reveal to them what is the power toward us who believe, which You wrought when You raised Jesus from the dead; and, setting all things under His feet, gave Him to be the head over us who are His Body. We are the Body of the Anointed One. We are the Body of His Anointing. Hallelujah!
Father, I pray Ephesians 3:14-20, thanking You for a revelation that they are strengthened with might by Your Spirit in their spirits, that they comprehend with all the saints what is the length, the breadth, the height, and the depth and they know the love of the Anointed One. I thank You that they overflow with the anointing to love, and they know and are filled with the fullness of You who are able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think.
And, I pray Colossians 1:9-13, thanking You for delivering them from the authority of darkness and translating them into the kingdom of Your dear Son, strengthening them with might by Your Spirit in their spirits so that they walk worthy of You.
Finally, LORD, according 1 Thessalonians 5:23, I thank You that You set apart my Partners wholly unto Yourself—spirit, soul and body. They are preserved blameless unto the coming of our LORD Jesus, the Anointed One.
Now, Satan, I bind you and cast you out of all the affairs of my Partners.
I plead the blood of Jesus over every person, family, household, business, ministry and church that’s in partnership with Kenneth Copeland Ministries. God, I praise You and thank You for it. I thank You for my Partners, LORD. Hallelujah! Bless The LORD, O my soul, and forget not all of His benefits. Praise You, Jesus.
Now LORD, they have invested their goods, time, effort and prayer into this ministry.
Father, I’m asking You for supernatural harvest to come into their hands—the supernatural harvest of the former and the latter rain coming all at one time, such a harvest that the reapers catch up with the sowers.
I thank You for such a harvest that the moment it’s sown, harvest time will be there, and they will reap it and bring it in. Exceedingly abundantly beyond all that they even dare ask or think will flow into their lives—great, overflowing abundance of goods, resources, deliverance, healing, miracles, whatever it takes. Sweep their families into the Kingdom. Give them the greatest ideas that have ever been born into the earth. Create whole industries from the ideas that You give my Partners.
I thank You for it, LORD. I give You the praise and the glory and the honour for it in the Name of Jesus. I declare with my faith; this year will be the grandest year in human history. Great shall be the peace of the Body of Christ and great shall be the peace of Jerusalem. Not a man-made peace that men are running around all over the world with, but the peace of God that passes all understanding. Peace that rules in the hearts of men—not just in their capital cities, politicians and politics. We’ll not have politics as usual this year. I release my faith for this.
Now, LORD, I make demand on the promises. You said that You would not have us be ignorant of these end times—that You would not have us be ignorant of Your WORD and Your affairs, You would not have us ignorant of the anointings, You would not have us ignorant of the seasons and the times we live in. I ask You for great revelation. I rebuke spiritual ignorance among us. I rebuke spiritual ignorance from among my Partners. Oh God, I receive the light from heaven—revelation of You, hallelujah.
For every apostle, every prophet, every evangelist, every pastor and every teacher, every Sunday school teacher, every minister of helps who is a Partner with this ministry, I receive revelation. Fill their pulpits with fire from heaven. And I give You the praise and the honour and the glory for it. Glory to You forevermore. I praise You for it, in Jesus’ Name.